
In late 1932 a bail-out fund , the Reconstruction Finance Corporation , was set up .
The European Commission has discreetly proposed to have member states make good the losses of private banks before they are recapitalised with eurozone rescue funds .
Its largest financial backer was Goldman Sachs , which has received $ 10bn in Tarp bailout funds .
Their active subversion of sovereign CDs must be feeding investor scepticism of their plan to use the eurozone rescue fund for insurance of troubled sovereign debt .
According to a senior German official , Berlin wants to ensure that a leveraged € 440bn eurozone rescue fund is up and running before considering new IMF resources .
If the eurozone accepted a double A rating for its rescue fund , it would lift a self-imposed constraint on the funding it can raise for troubled states .
Chinese officials can be expected to ask smart questions about the souped-up bail-out fund , the European financial stability facility .
But he has been driven to seek new alternatives as Europe prevaricates over strengthening its bail-out fund and the European Central Bank warns that its month-old bond-buying programme cannot go on indefinitely .
Not only that , but Spain has a recapitalisation policy , centred on frob , the state bank rescue fund .
According to officials involved in the talks , Paris was pushing for wide-ranging help that included purchases of Italian and Spanish debt by the European Central Bank in addition to action by the eurozone rescue fund , known as the European Financial Stability Facility .
Revenues could be used to co-finance the bank bail-out fund .
No country declared an interest in investing in the European bailout fund .
Putting a ceiling on the bailout fund is psychologically as well as financially important .
Who cares about negotiations for a bailout fund when the central bank can print one ?
In extreme conditions , the fund would be allowed to buy bonds of distressed countries .
In private , Chinese officials say they are open in principle to contributing to a bail-out .
This would not only require EU-level regulation and supervision , but most importantly a liquid bail-out fund .
But the furore led by the German government over the bail-out fund proposal has put paid to that .
The suspicion might be that Germany is setting conditions for its support in reinforcing an urgently needed bail-out fund .
We therefore must simultaneously guarantee the entire outstanding eurozone debt of stable countries , backed by an enhanced rescue fund .
Japan proposed an Asian bail-out fund in late 1997 , but the idea failed to take off amid strong US resistance .
Then it took Mr Bernanke two attempts and a collapse in the Dow to persuade Congress to approve emergency bailout funds .
In Berlin , a senior government official ruled out the use of European rescue funds to finance the buying of government bonds .
Bankers warn the eurozone rescue fund may meet lacklustre demand this week for a planned bond issue designed to finance the bail-out of Ireland .
Following the creation of a $ 700bn government bailout fund for US banks , public disgust with multi-million-dollar bonuses and golden parachutes was more than apparent .
One of the reasons the EIB was not eager to run the bail-out fund itself was precisely because it did not want its own credit rating tainted .
The Germans will demand a price for putting more money into bail-out funds : a new treaty , imposing much tighter fiscal discipline on countries in the euro .
Separately , a draft prospectus prepared for the eurozone bail-out fund includes investor warnings that the euro could break apart or cease to be a " lawful currency " entirely .
Under it , Spain and Italy would be eligible for the ECB to support their short-dated bonds , but only if they agreed to supervision from the European rescue fund .
Hopes have centred on proposals to create a common European bank supervisor and rescue fund that would shore up banks too big and too weak to be rescued by their national governments .