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fǎnɡ zhī yuán liào
  • textile
  1. 入境废纺织原料环控标准要点的探讨

    Discussion of Environment Control Standard Key Point of Entry Waste Textile Materials

  2. 大力发展化纤,进一步改善我国纺织原料结构

    Developing Man-made Fibre , Further Improving China Textile Material Structure

  3. 合成纺织原料拉伸机连续纺丝拉伸加捻机

    Drawing machine , for stretching synthetic textiles continuous spin-draw twister

  4. 岛上的人在忙于收集和晒干纺织原料。

    Islanders were engaged to collect and dry the textiles .

  5. 胡麻是一种优良的纺织原料。

    Oil_used flax is a kind of fine material of textile industry .

  6. 中国农业纺织原料生产发展问题初探

    On the Production and Development of Chinese Agriculture Textile Material

  7. 山羊绒属于稀有的特种动物纤维,是一种较为珍贵的纺织原料。

    Cashmere is a rare special animal fiber , a noble textile material .

  8. 亚麻纤维作为一种重要的纺织原料,深受人们的喜爱。

    Flax is a very important textile raw material and is popular with people .

  9. 合成纺织原料拉伸机

    Drawing machine , for stretching synthetic textiles

  10. 常用纺织原料干湿状态下抗紫外性能的比较

    Comparison of the anti-UV property in common textile raw material under the dry and wet condition

  11. 发泡挤压[非织造]织物挤压人造纺织原料机

    Machine for extruding man-made textiles

  12. 用于测定棉,毛,化纤等纺织原料的纯纺,混纺纱线的缕纱强力。

    Used to measure strength of skein of pure and blend spinning of cotton , wool and chemical fiber etc.

  13. 主要从事生产、销售化纤纺织原料,同时配套生产后道室内装饰材料。

    It is mainly engaged in producing and selling of chemical fiber materials , produces interior decorative materials simultaneously .

  14. 山羊绒是高档的纺织原料,由绒山羊皮肤次级毛囊产生,皮肤和毛囊的结构特征对绒毛产量和品质有直接重要的影响。

    The cashmere is a good material in textile , and comes from the second hair follicle of Cashmere goat .

  15. 棉花是重要的经济作物。棉纤维是重要的天然纺织原料。

    Cotton ( Gossypium spp. ) is an important economic crop and cotton fiber is leading natural textile fiber in the world .

  16. 纺织原料选配影响着成纱质量与成品成本。

    Selected matching of textile raw materials not only affects the quality of yarn , but also the cost of finished products .

  17. 醋酸长丝是优良的纺织原料,既有纤维素纤维的服用舒适性,也有合成纤维的尺寸稳定性。

    Acetate filaments is a kind of excellent textile material with wearing comfortability of cellulose fibers as well as dimensional stability of synthetical fibers .

  18. 棉纤维是最重要的纺织原料之一,它是由单个胚珠表皮细胞分化而来。

    Cotton fiber is one of the most important textile materials in the world . It is elongated from a single ovule epidermis cell .

  19. 本文对农作物秸秆资源与开发利用、棉杆皮资源使用的现状以及纺织原料资源存在的问题进行了分析。

    The utilization of agricultural crops straw and cotton bast fibers resource , the problems in textile materials resource are analyzed in this paper .

  20. 挤压人造纺织原料机山前为挤压地应力作用区,油气成藏多以构造成藏为主。

    Machine for extruding man-made textiles The piedmont , a compressive ground stress area , contains oil / gas pools dominated by structure formed reservoirs .

  21. 利用产业关联(联系)理论,考察了农业纺织原料和纺织产业的关联效应及其演变规律。

    Using the theory of industry relationship , this paper review the relationship effect and evolvement rule about the agriculture textile material and the textile industry .

  22. 苎麻纤维具有良好的穿着服用性能,是一种优良的纺织原料。

    The ramie has good spinnability , wearability , as well as good prospect of development . It is a kind of fine material of textile industry .

  23. 真丝纤维是一种珍贵的纺织原料,但也存在着易起皱、抗变形性差、易泛黄等缺点。

    The silk fiber is a kind of precious textile material , but it has many disadvantages : easily shrivel , change to yellow and weak resistibility distortion so on .

  24. 纺织原料及其产品中纤维种类的鉴别是以各类纺织用纤维的形态特征及其理化性能为客观依据的,纤维细度和含量是重要的指标。

    Shape and texture features of fiber play an very important role in distinguishing different textile materials . Among all these features , fiber diameter and content are two commonly used indicators .

  25. 结果说明,中卫山羊毛和安哥拉山羊毛(马海毛)品质相似,可作为高档毛纺织原料。

    It is obvious that the quality of the Zhong-wei goat wool is the same as that of the mohair and can be used as a high quality raw material for textile industry .

  26. 市场经营定位为:装饰布、窗帘、沙发布、布艺沙发、纺织原料、家纺成品。

    The market management localization is : The decoration cloth , the window blind , the sand issued , the cloth skill sofa , the textile raw material , the home textile product .

  27. 羊绒是一种可再生但资源有限的特种动物纤维,是一种珍贵的纺织原料,在国际上素有纤维的钻石、软黄金的美誉。

    Cashmere is a renewable but limited special animal fiber as a precious textile materials and it is known as the " diamond fiber ," " soft gold " in the world wide .

  28. 熔喷超细纤维作为一种高品质、高技术含量的纺织原料,其具有直径小、比表面积大、空隙率高、吸附性强、过滤性能好等优良特性。

    As a high quality of technical textile material , superfine fiber has excellent filtration performance because of its small diameter , large surface area , high pore ratio , and strong absorbility .

  29. 根据我国近年来纺织原料和纺织业的发展数据,通过模型进行分析,认为农业纺织原料对纺织产业的作用趋于弱化,其原因主要在于农业纺织原料的供给波动和化纤原料较快的技术进步。

    Basing upon the developing dates of the textile material and the textile industry in China , it is concluded with model that the effect of agriculture textile material is going to be weak .

  30. 指出21世纪化纤不但将继续成为最重要的纺织原料,而且将成为各个工业技术部门需要的重要原材料;

    It points out that chemical fibers will not only continue to be the most important textile materials in the 21 st century , but also be an indispensable material for all industrial sectors .