
  1. 太阳照到纸窗上时,我是在煨第三次的牛奶。昨天煨了四次。

    I 'm heating milk for the third time as the sunlight hits the paper window-panes .

  2. 明代山西孝义武将纸窗影人真伪考述

    The Authentication of the Shadow Play about Officers against Window Paper in Xiaoyi , Shanxi , in Ming Dynasty

  3. 或者剪纸花(红的和绿的),是预备贴在纸窗上或放在油灯盘上面的。

    The women also cut intricate pictures and designs out of red and green paper-these were to be pasted on the paper windows or on the oil-lamp cups .

  4. 孝义木偶戏之所以能很快融入当地的文化传统,是因为孝义历来有演戏的习俗,除晋剧外,皮腔纸窗皮影戏是境内土生土长的戏剧形态。

    Because Xiaoyi has the custom of acting , Xiaoyi puppet show is able to quickly be absorbed into the local culture tradition , except Shanxi opera outside , Shadow puppetry is native .

  5. 当血滴在测试条上面,会有肉眼可以观察到的颜色变化,这些颜色变化会在测试纸的观察窗变化范围之内,若提交样本是血型匹配的抗原,为蓝绿色,如果没有为棕色。

    When a drop of blood was applied , the results appeared as visual color changes in the observation window of the paper strip : teal if a blood group antigen was present in a sample and brown if not .