
  • 网络pure public goods
  1. 根据公共物品非竞争性和非排他性的特征,可以将公共物品分为:纯公共物品、俱乐部产品、共同资源。

    According to non-excludability and non-rivalness , we can divide public goods into pure public goods , club goods , and common-pool resources .

  2. 传统理论将公共物品区分为纯公共物品和准公共物品,但是这种区别正随着市场化程度的提高和技术手段的进步而变得模糊。

    With the development of market and technology , it will be very hard to distinguish the difference between pure public goods and quasi-public goods .

  3. 由政府提供的纯公共物品的范围变得越来越小,政府提供公共物品的方式越来越多样化;

    The scope of pure public goods provided by government becomes much more small and the patterns of public goods provision by government have been varied .

  4. 城市轨道的这种属性使得其摆脱了纯公共物品的束缚,为采用市场化的方式融资找到了理论支点。

    This attribution of the urban rail transit gets rid of the binding of pure public goods and becomes a theoretical fulcrum for its market-based financing .

  5. 相对于纯公共物品而言,存在于现实经济生活中的是大量准公共物品,它们并不严格具备公共物品的特征。

    However , compared with pure public goods , what exits in the real world is a large number of quasi-public goods , which does not have the characteristics of public goods .

  6. 图书馆又不是纯公共物品,兼备公共物品和私人物品二重属性,可以在信息服务的某些方面实行有偿服务。

    However , library is not a kind of pure public goods , but has the attributes of both public and private goods , and can provide some charged information services in some areas .

  7. 公共信息是纯公共物品,它的自愿供给会出现囚徒困境问题,即公共信息的自愿供给不足处于纳什均衡状态。

    Public information is pure public goods , and there will be the problem of Prisoners ' dilemma for its voluntary provision . That is to say , the insufficiency in its voluntary provision is in Nash Equilibrium .

  8. 本文分析认为,电视技术变迁改变了电视的物品属性,使电视从纯公共物品逐渐变化为具有较强私人物品属性的准公共物品。

    The dissertation suggests that transform in television technology has changed the television properties of the materials so that the television has gradually changed from a purely public goods to quasi-public goods with the strong attributes of private property .