
jí shù
  • series;progression;number of stages;number of steps
级数 [jí shù]
  • (1) [series;progression]∶用加号连接诸项来从一个数学序列求得的式

  • (2) [progression]∶一个数学项序列,其中第一项后的项按一个规则确定。亦称数列

级数[jí shù]
  1. 调和级数与P级数敛散性的简单证法

    A Brief Proof for Convergence and Divergence of Harmonic progression and P progression

  2. 算术级数中模n原根的一种分布性质

    On a Distribution Behaviour of Primitive Root Modulo n in Arithmetical Progression

  3. 这个收敛很慢的级数是莱布尼茨在1674年得到的

    This very slowly converging series was known to Leibniz in 1674 .

  4. 用微分算子级数法得到分部积分公式,使一类积分计算变得十分简单。

    By using differentiator series method , the formula of partial integration is obtained .

  5. 关于收敛P级数的一般估值不等式

    General estimation inequalities on the convergent p - series

  6. 随着Internet的迅猛发展,网络信息资源呈几何级数增长。

    With the rapid development of Internet , network information resources are increasing with geometric series .

  7. FUZZY级数及其收敛性

    Fuzzy series and its convergence

  8. 平板单面剥层X射线应力测定中的幂级数校正

    Power Series Correction for Single-Side Removal of Plate in X-Ray Stress Determination

  9. 提出了一种基于Fourier级数的学习控制算法。

    An nonlinear learning control algorithm based on fourier series was proposed .

  10. 修改Fourier级数的定义。

    To modify the definition of Fourier progression .

  11. 二维B值随机Dirichlet级数的线性增长性

    The Liner Growth of 2 - Dimension B - valued Random Dirichlet Series

  12. 利用小波级数检测睡眠EEG中的K-复合波

    Detecting of K-Complex from Sleep EEG by Wavelet Series

  13. 弹性地基与无拉力弹性地基上深浅梁的Fourier级数解法

    Fourier series solution of thick / thin beam laid on elastic foundations and tensionless elastic foundations

  14. 具有发散Fourier级数的连续性函数

    Continuous Function with Divergent Fourier Series

  15. 快速高阶Taylor级数法暂态稳定计算

    Fast Transient Stability Simulation by Higher Order Taylor Series Expansions

  16. PIN二极管失真量的Volterra级数分析法

    Application of Volterra series to distortion analysis of PIN diodes

  17. 随机非调和的Fourier级数

    Random nonharmonic Fourier series

  18. 针对模型,通过双FOURIER级数展开和繁琐的数学推导,求得了输出电压的严格解析表达式。

    Further , by double FOURIER series expansion and intricate derivation , strict output analytic solution is acquired .

  19. Fourier级数的Euler平均逼近

    Approximation by Euler Means of Fourier Series

  20. 其特点是通过BP神经网络建立图像中像素点的R、G、B颜色值与条纹级数N之间的非线性关系;

    The complex function between isochromatic fringe orders and RGB gray values of the image pixels is described by BP artificial neural network .

  21. Taylor级数展开法定位及其性能分析

    Taylor Series Expansion Method and Its Performance Analysis

  22. 提出了一种识别大型结构非线性物理参数的Taylor级数线性化算法。

    Taylor series linearization method to identify nonlinear physical parameters of large structures is proposed .

  23. 幂级数Banach代数与自动连续性

    Banach algebra of power series and automatic continuity

  24. 一种Volterra级数简化辨识方法及其应用研究

    Study on a Simplified Volterra Series Identification Method and Its Application

  25. 利用凸正规化得到了B值狄里克莱级数的下级与其系数和指数的关系

    In this paper , through convex regularization the formulas of the lower order of B value Dirichlet series given by the exponents and the coefficients are arrived at

  26. 下侧二重随机Dirichlet级数的收敛性与增长性

    The Convergence and Growth of Lower Side Bitangent Random Dirichlet Series

  27. 每个级数线都应该以图形形式显示出引用X和Y引用线的那些级数中的每个点的位置。

    Each series line should graphically show the position of each point in the series with reference to the X and Y reference lines .

  28. 并联铁磁谐振电路的Volterra级数分析法

    Analysis of Parallel Connection Ferroresonance Circuit Using Volterra Series

  29. 以微分中值定理和Taylor级数为依据得出了常微分方程初值问题数值解法的一个一般公式。

    By differential mean value theorems and Taylor series , we deduce a unified formula in this paper .

  30. 两类Dirichlet级数的系数的重排

    Rearrangement of coefficients for two types of Dirichlet series