
hónɡ xì bāo jiǎn shǎo
  • oligocythaemia;oligocytosis
  1. SLE患者血小板功能障碍与红细胞减少相关性分析

    Correlation analysis of platelet function disturbance and decrease of number of erythrocyte in systemic lupus erythematosus

  2. 脾静脉结扎后可以成功建立脾肿大和血小板减少、红细胞减少的脾亢模型。

    Models of thrombocytopenia , erythropenia and splenomegaly were established successfully by ligation of splenic veins .

  3. 结果表明,脾静脉结扎可以建立稳定血小板减少症和红细胞减少症,该模型适合开展脾脏射频消融治疗研究;

    The results showed that stable thrombocytopenia , erythropenia and splenomegaly were presented in the dogs with splenic vein ligation , and the spleen was eligible for deploying RFA .

  4. 单系红细胞减少组中AntiRNP阳性率为69.0%高于无血液系统损害组的44.0%,而单系白细胞或血小板减少组与无血液系统损害组AntiRNP阳性率差异无统计学意义。

    The positive rate of Anti-RNP were 69.0 % in patients with red cell line damage while only 44.0 % in patients without hematological disorder ( P < 0.05 ) . There was no significant difference in Anti-RNP between patients without hematological disorder and patients with leucocytopenia or thrombocytopenia .

  5. L-Arg抑制胰酶的释放及异位激活,减少带正电的大分子粘附于红细胞,减少细胞聚集。

    Arg inhibits the release and ectopic activation of trypsin , preventing positively charged macromolecules from being adhered to red blood cells and decreasing cell aggregation .

  6. 结果表明:与成人相比,小儿伤寒以不规则高热、腹痛、腹胀、腹泻、精神差、肝脾肿大、中性粒细胞降低、嗜伊红粒细胞减少,为其临床特点。

    Results : compared to the adult , infant typhoid is featured as irregular high fever , abdominal pain , abdominal fullness , di-arrhea , weakness , liver and spleen enlargement , reduction of neutrophil and eosinophil .

  7. 结果显示:治疗前后的尿沉渣镜检红细胞计数明显减少,具有显著性差异(P0.001)。

    Results showed that the urinary sediment microscopy red blood cell count decreased significantly after treatment , with significant difference ( P0.001 ) .

  8. 红细胞内2,3-DPG减少及红细胞变形能力下降,可能加重微循环障碍,降低氧释放能力。

    The decline of oxygen delivery might be attributed to the decrease content of 2,3-DPG in erythrocyte along with decreased cell deformation capacity .

  9. 结果血红蛋白浓度和网织红细胞数目明显减少,血清红细胞生成素水平明显增加。

    [ Results ] Hemoglobin concentration and the number of reticulocyte decreased greatly , while serum erythropoietin ( EPO ) level increased significantly .

  10. 减少红细胞破坏和减少血液接触面积是目前可以提高血泵血液相容性的重要手段,为此我们1997年到1999年间研制了叶片为螺旋型且与血液接触面积小的螺旋血泵。

    So far , the main method to increase the hemocompatibility of blood pump is to reduce the erythrocyte damage and the contact area . From 1997 to 1999 , we developed a spiral blood pump .

  11. 7例正细胞性贫血占77.8%,2例大细胞性贫血。网织红细胞均显著减少,5例为0,其余4例<0.003,白细胞和血小板正常。

    Cases had normocytic anemia and 2 had macrocytic anemia The reticulocyte counts were all significant decrease , 5 cases were 0 , the other 4 were less than 0.003 . All of the 9 cases had normal leucocyte and platelet counts .

  12. 实验还表明,本品能显著升高血浆及血红细胞SOD活力,减少脂质过氧化产物&MDA含量,表明其有一定清除自由基的作用。

    It could also activate the SOD of plasma and erythrocytes and decrease the contents of MDA , the product of lipid peroxidation , which suggest that ti could scavenge free radical to some extent .

  13. 研究背景:肾性贫血是慢性肾功能衰竭(CRF)患者常见的临床表现,主要由于慢性肾功能衰竭患者肾小管功能受损,导致红细胞生成素生成减少是引起肾性贫血的直接原因。

    Research background Renal anemia caused mainly by renal tubular dysfunction , is a common clinical manifestation in patients with chronic renal failure . It causes reduction of erythropoietin , which is the direct reason for renal anemia .

  14. 血红细胞、白细胞减少4例,对症处理2周后正常。

    Decreased erythrocyte and leucocyte were restored to normal levels in 2 weeks .

  15. 组间比较差异显著(P<0.05);治疗前后组间比较,血小板计数、红细胞压积明显减少,凝血酶原时间延长。

    There were great difference between the groups ( P < 0.05 ) and platelet count and hematocrit were obviously reduced with prothrombin time prolonged .

  16. 长期系统训练使血液流变性产生良好适应性变化,表现为:①血容量增加、红细胞数量和红细胞压积相对减少。

    Long term systematic training could lead to the better adaptive changes of hemorheological properties with the manifestations of ① increase of blood volume , and relatively reduced number of erythrocytes and haematocrit ;

  17. 力竭运动后,红细胞免疫功能低下可能与红细胞CRl数量减少,自由基增多,SOD活性下降,红细胞免疫调节因子活性改变以及血乳酸浓度升高有关系,但是确切机制仍需要进一步探讨。

    The decrease of erythrocyte immune response could be correlated with that of CR1 and SOD activity , the increase of FR and lactate concentration , changes of RBC immune-regulating factors activity , but the exact mechanism should be studied further .

  18. 危重度组MCV及球形红细胞比例增大,而双凹圆盘形红细胞比例减少,与轻中度组比较,差异均有非常显著性(P<0.01)。

    The MCV and spherocyte proportion in the serious degree group increase , but double cave round shape disk red cell proportion reduce , the difference was significant ( P < 0.01 ) compared with the light-medium degree group .

  19. 低硒组大鼠的红细胞数和高硒组大鼠的平均红细胞血红蛋白含量显著减少。

    The numbers of RBC in low Se group and MCH in high Se group were apparently decreased .

  20. 作用于红细胞期的疟疾疫苗诱导宿主体液免疫系统,产生特异性抗体,抑制疟原虫侵入和感染红细胞,达到减少疟原虫虫荷,降低疟疾的发病率和死亡率。

    Erythrocytic stage vaccine designed aims to induce antibodies that prevent invasion and infection of erythrocytes , to reduce morbidity and mortality by decreasing the parasite load .