
zǐ mǐ
  • purple rice
  1. 抗稻瘟病紫米921H的离体诱选

    Breed on Purple Rice 921H Resistance to Rice Blast in Vitro

  2. 紫米的油脂成分

    The oil constituents of Purple Rice

  3. 紫米基因与RFLP标记的连锁分析

    Linkage Analysis of RFLP Markers and the Gene for purple Pericarp of Rice

  4. 有色米是色素沉积在水稻种子的种皮中形成的,红米和紫米是其中最常见的两种。

    Colored rice is a type of rice with pigments deposited in their grain pericarp .

  5. 结果表明,紫甘薯红色素具有与其它几种红色素相似的理化稳定性,其热稳定性与紫米相似,但优于其它色素;

    The red pigments of purple sweetpotatoes were showed similar stable to purple rice red pigments , but higher than any other pigments tested when they are heated ;

  6. 紫米的抗氧化性与其色素含量呈正相关,说明花色素苷是紫米中主要的抗氧化物质。

    There is a positive relationship between DPPH scavenging activity and content of pigments , which indicated that anthocyanins are the main antioxidant component in purple rice . 3 .