
  • 网络Salisbury Cathedral
  1. 英格兰的索尔兹伯里大教堂据说是世界上最古老的钟的发源地。

    The Salisbury Cathedral in England is said to be home to the world 's oldest clock .

  2. 庆祝活动的高潮将在索尔兹伯里大教堂举行,大宪章的原本就收藏在这里的牧师会礼堂里。

    The highlight for the celebrations will be Salisbury Cathedral , whose Chapter House holds the Magna Carta .

  3. 在20世纪早期被重新发现之前,索尔兹伯里大教堂里的这口钟受过战火的洗礼,以及人们的忽视,但是最终还是保存了下来。

    The clock survived war , fire and inattention before being rediscovered in the early 20th century and restored .

  4. 和记录我们昼夜节律的生物钟相比,索尔兹伯里大教堂里的钟根本是微不足道的。

    The Salisbury Cathedral clock is but a wee whippersnapper when compared to the natural clocks that track our circadian rhythms .