
táng suān
  • saccharic acid
糖酸[táng suān]
  1. 不同施肥方式间草莓糖酸比和维生素C含量、土壤氮残留率差异不显著。

    There were no marked differences on sugar / acid ratio , the Vc content and N residual ratio with different methods of fertilizer application .

  2. 热应激导致肉仔鸡肝脏维生素C合成关键酶&古洛糖酸内酯氧化酶活性明显降低,使维生素C的合成能力减弱。

    Heat stress also caused hepatic gulonolactone oxidase activity to decrease , which indicated the decrease of the capacity of biosynthesis of vitamin C in broilers .

  3. 施用包膜肥料后葡萄的糖酸比变化不大,而Vc含量显著高于常规施肥处理。

    Using coated fertilizer had little effect on sugar-acid ratio of fruit , but could increase vitamin C content significantly .

  4. 脑显像剂~(99m)m锝&葡庚糖酸钙的合成和标记

    Synthesis and Labeling of Brain Scanning Agent : ~ ( 99m ) Tc-glucoheptonate

  5. 从古龙酸(古洛糖酸)到VC的收率达83%以上。

    The ascorbic acid solution was refined to obtain the pure product . Its yield from gulonic acid was over 83 % .

  6. ~(99m)Tc-葡庚糖酸盐与甲酯基异丙异腈配体交换动力学研究

    Kinetics study on ligand exchange reaction between ~ ( 99m ) Tc-glucoheptonate and carbomethoxy isopropyl isonitrile

  7. 而且草莓糖酸比提高,可溶性固形物、Vc含量和SOD活力增加,贮存过程中营养成分下降变慢。

    And the candy / acid , Vc contents and SOD activities could be increased . The nourishment component descends through the storage could be alleviated .

  8. 目的观察自制药液(含鸡蛋清、维生素E、萄葡糖酸锌)防治鼻咽癌放疗后口咽粘膜反应的效果。

    Objective To observe the effect of the compound solution containing egg white , vitamin E and zinc gluconate on oral and oropharyngeal mucosa lesions of patients with nasopharyngeal cancer ( NPC ) after radiotherapy .

  9. 结果表明,相对于普通肥料、控释氮肥和控释复合肥提高了土壤中有效养分的含量,促进了草莓生长,提高了草莓糖酸比和维生素C含量。

    The results showed that the controlled-release fertilizers improved the changes of available N , P , K contents in soil , promoted the growth of strawberry and increased sugar / acid ratio and the Vc content of the fruit .

  10. 冰温贮藏15d,桑椹糖酸比与pH值之间有显著的正相关关系(P<001),但随贮藏时间的延长相关关系逐渐消失。

    There was a positive linear relationship between the ratio of sugar to acid of mulberry fruits and pH value during storage for 15 d .

  11. 始收期和糖酸比对可溶性固形物的直接作用为较大的正效应;座果期、单株结果数和单果重对维生素C均表现为正向直接效应。

    The direct effect of the date of first harvest and sugar acid ratio to soluble solid was positive effect , and the direct effect of fruit setting stage 、 fruit number per plant and fruit weight to Vc was positive effect too .

  12. 大多数品种果实糖酸比很高,鲜食风味好,氨基酸含量中等,矿质元素Zn和Se含量高。

    Concerning to the fruit quality , most of the cultivars have higher sugar acid ratio and fine taste , the amino acids content is moderate whereas that of minerals Zn and Se are high .

  13. 另外,与对照相比,离子束注入的果实糖酸比非常低,而N+、Ar+离子与不同来源DNA共同处理时,番茄果实的糖酸比不同。

    In addition , compared with contrast , the sugar-acid proportions of fruit from ion beam injection is very low , but the interactions of N + , Ar + with DNA from different soybean , sugar-acid proportions of tomato fruit is different .

  14. 适宜的杀菌条件为:80℃10min,糖酸比为32:1。

    The perfect condition of sterilization is 8 ℃ 10min . The ratio of sugar acidity is 32:1 .

  15. 以参评品种的糖酸比、总糖、总酸、可溶性固形物、vC、果形指数和单果重等7个因素为评价标准,从品质的角度筛选出了表现优良的几个品系。

    Based on seven traits of Jinhua pear fruit quality ( sugar-acid ratio , total sugar , total acid , dissolved substance , vC , fruit shape index and fruit weight ), several variation strains had been filtrated , which were fine .

  16. 利用气&质联用(GC-MS)及毛细管电泳技术,对‘凯特’杏与‘新世纪’杏及其F1代65个株系的香味成分及糖酸组分的遗传特性进行了研究。

    The inheritance of the constituents of aroma , sugar and acid were studied with ' Katy ' and ' Xinshiji ' apricot varieties and 65 seedlings of F_1 progenies by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and capillary electrophoresis .

  17. 运用Instron万能试验机对常温贮藏的整番茄进行了应力松弛特性试验,分析了松弛特性4个参数、压缩特性的压缩弹性模量E、坚实度Fi以及糖酸比等指标的变化规律。

    Stress-relaxation property of intact tomato during storing at normal temperature was studied using Instron machine . The variation trends of four relaxation characteristic indices were analyzed , as well as the variation of compress modulus , firmness and sugar-acid ratio , etc.

  18. 建立一个在全自动生化分析仪上,去除6磷酸葡糖酸脱氢酶(6PGD)对结果的影响且能准确、快速检测葡糖6磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD)活性的定量方法。

    To develop a precise and rapid method for glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase ( G6PD ) assay on the auto analysis eliminating the interruption of 6 glucose phosphate dehydrogenase ( 6GPD ) .

  19. 用化学分析及元素分析确定其组成为Co(C4H7O5)·H2O,IR光谱分析结果表明新化合物中苏糖酸以羧基氧原子与Co2+配位。

    The composition of the new compound was determined by chemical and elemental analyses and its formula fits Co ( C 4H 7O 5 ) 2 · H 2O . IR spectra indicate that Co 2 + in the compound is coordinated to the oxygen atom of the carboxyl group .

  20. 第10~40d,糖酸比值呈微降趋势,酯类芳香成分含量出现1~2个高峰值。

    Between the 10 th day and the 40 th day , sugar acid ratio decreased gradually . The content of aromatic ester substances reached 1 to 2 peaks .

  21. 该产品为黄色、澄清液体,可溶性固形物为15,pH4.3,糖酸比为16:1。

    The product was a kind of yellow clear liquid with soluble solid matter 15 , pH4.3 , the ratio of sugar and acid 16:1 .

  22. 结果表明,多效唑叶面处理后果实含糖量明显增加,低浓度处理能提高果实维生素C含量,降低酸度,糖酸比增大,色素含量提高。250mg/L和500mg/L处理能改善果实品质。

    The results indicated that sugar increase in fruit was treated with paclobutrazol , and acid decrease , sugar and acid ratio increase , vitamine C and pigment content were increased by applying low concentration paclobutrazol , and it can also increase fruit quality .

  23. 试验结果表明,该叶肥处理不仅能明显提高番茄产量,而且能改善其品质,使番茄果实中可溶性固形物、Vc、粗蛋白含量及糖酸比显著提高,有机酸、NO-3-N含量明显降低。

    The results showed that spraying leaf liquid fertilizer not only can increase the tomato yield , but also can increase the content of soluble mass matter , Vc , crude protein and the ratio of reducing sugar / organic acid ; Reduce the content of organic acid and NO-3-N.

  24. 试验表明葡糖酸内酯为最佳护色剂,添加量为0.05mg/ml;β-环糊精为最佳稳定剂,其添加量为0.1%;

    The result showed that the optimal color fixative , color fixative dosage , stabilizer and stabilizer dosage were gluconic acid lactone , 0.05mg / ml , β - cyclodextrin and 0.1 % , respectively .

  25. 运用Mixture-D-Optimal设计,以糖酸比为响应值,研究了草莓、番茄、胡萝卜和葡萄4种原汁的不同复合配比对其混合成品风味等感官品质的影响。

    The Mixture-D-Optimal design was used to determine the optimum mixing proportion of four kinds of fruit and vegetable juice ( strawberry juice , tomato juice , carrot juice and grape juice ) with the ratio of sugar to acid of the mixed juices as a response value .

  26. 胡芦巴中性多糖酸水解工艺优化的研究

    Study on Technological Optimization for Acid Hydrolysis of Fenugreek Neutral Polysaccharide

  27. 柑桔果实糖酸含量与风味品质的关系

    The amounts of the sugar-acid in citrus fruit and its taste quality

  28. 苹果糖酸遗传和选择研究

    Studies of the Inheritance and Selection of Sweetness and Acidity in Apples

  29. 抗菌抗菌漱口水都包含有效成分&太葡糖酸盐。

    Commonly prescribed are anti-microbial mouthwashes containing the active ingredient chlorhexidine gluconate .

  30. 本文对胡芦巴中性多糖酸水解的工艺条件进行研究。

    This paper studied the acid hydrolysis conditions of fenugreek neutral polysaccharide .