
fèn huà shí
  • coprolite
粪化石[fèn huà shí]
  1. 豫西太原组(C3)中一种罕见的遗迹化石&沙蠋粪化石

    A grain of sand a type of rare trace fossils & arenicola coprolites in Taiyuan Formation ( c3 ), western Henan Province

  2. 这正显示粪化石有多么大的用途。

    And it just goes to show how useful coprolites can be .

  3. 在化石粪便(通常称之为粪化石)中能发现海量的信息。

    A treasure trove of information can be found in fossilized feces , commonly called coprolites .

  4. 陕西鄜县及邠县中生代鱼粪化石

    Mesozoic fish coprolites from Shensi

  5. 但直到开始研究摩亚恐鸟的粪化石后,他们才发现这类鸟真正的食物是什么,以及它们如何影响身边的环境。

    But it wasn 't until they began studying moa coprolites that they discovered what the birds actually ate and how they affected their environment .

  6. 从确定物种的生存年代到发现古人类的食人习俗(感谢出土的远古人类粪便化石中发现的人类蛋白质),粪化石的用处非常广泛。

    Coprolites have been used for everything from dating the timeline of certain species to proving the existence of cannibalism in ancient human cultures ( thanks to the discovery of human proteins in unearthed paleofeces ) .

  7. 除了本身的奇异,粪化石和远古人类粪便化石能够为考古学家提供大量信息。此外,它们在远古时代也是无价之宝:恐龙粪是让史前丛林茂密生长的肥料。

    Despite their innate weirdness , coprolites and paleofeces ( fossilized human faeces ) are rich sources of information for archaeologists and were also invaluable at the time of their creation : dinosaur droppings provided the fertilizer necessary to keep those prehistoric jungles looking green and lush .

  8. 妮子在摸一堆恐龙粪(化石)。

    Rohlee is touching a dinosaur poop !