
  • 网络equivalent current
  1. 玻璃电熔窑Scott供电时内部等效电流分析

    Study of equivalent current in electric glass furnaces with Scott power supply

  2. 采用MOM法求解电场积分方程获取柱体的等效电流。

    The electric field integral equation ( EFIE ) is solved using MOM to obtain the equivalent current on the cylinder .

  3. 文中采用数值迭代法和建立等效电流模型,对PB层结构参数和门极-阴极几何图形尺寸进行了合理设计。

    Reasonable designs of the structure parameters of PB layer and the gate-cathode geometry are obtained by numerical iteration and an equivalent current model .

  4. 第一种是扩展的FDTD方法,包括等效电流源法和等效电压源法。

    One was extended FDTD including the equivalent current source method and the equivalent voltage source method .

  5. 等效电流偶极子(ECD)模型在MCG场源定位中的应用

    Effect of equivalent current dipole model on localization accuracy of MCG source

  6. 在仲冬月由于电离层中电流的影响相对减弱,Sq等效电流矢量很小,白天与黑夜基本一样;

    The vector either in the daytime or at night are very small because of the relatively decreasing effect of the current intensity in the ionosphere in midwinter .

  7. 采用射线跟踪和等效电流等方法计算金属垂直安定面的后向散射场和后向散射截面积(RCS)。

    An approximate technique using ray-tracing and equivalent current method is adopted for calculating the backscattering fields and backscattering RCS of metal vertical stabilizers .

  8. 等效电流偶极子(ECD)模型具有简要明确性,已经在MCG的逆问题中,如确定WPW综合症,心脏异常搏动根源、心律失常等方面,得到广泛应用。

    ECD has been widely used in determining sites on WPW syndrome , ectopic beats and arrhythmia , which also get application to BSPM measurement .

  9. 接着研究了FDTD模拟包含集总元件微波电路的几种方法,第一种是扩展FDTD方法,包括等效电流源法和等效电压源法。

    Second , several feasible methods incorporating the microwave devices into the FDTD simulation of microwave circuits are discussed . The first one is the extended FDTD method , including the equivalent current-source approach and the equivalent voltage-source approach .

  10. 本文在等效电流量测变换状态估计算法的基础上,引入PMU测量信息先进行一次状态估计,用估计的结果和PMU测量值一起作线性估计。

    In this paper make a state estimation that introduced the information measured by PMU on the basis of the algorithm of measurement transformation of the equivalent current . Then make a linear estimation using the result getting in the last step and the information measured by PMU .

  11. 用时间递推(marching-onin-time,MOT)方法求解了电磁场时域耦合积分方程,计算了均匀介质体的表面等效电流和表面等效磁流,得到时域散射远场并给出了详细推导过程。

    This paper solves electromagnetic coupled integral equations through the marching-on in-time ( MOT ) method and computes the equivalent electric and magnetic current on the surface of the dielectric bodies , so the far field of transient scattering can be obtained .

  12. 对焦平面上对应点上的等效电流进行二维快速傅立叶变换(2DFFT),求出远场抽样点上的场强,用抽样值重建了整个空域的方向图。

    The radiated field at some required samples in space can be efficiently calculated by adopting a two-dimensional fast Fourier transform ( 2DFFT ) on the corresponding effective currents on the focal plane .

  13. 长直螺线管绕线径向分布的等效电流修正系数

    The current correction coefficient of a thick - winding long solenoid

  14. 基于等效电流量测变换的电力系统状态估计算法研究

    Power System State Estimation Algorithm Based on Measurement Transformation of Equivalent Current

  15. 单相电机性能计算的新方法&等效电流法

    A new method for performance calculation on single phase MOTORS-EQUIVALENT current method

  16. 全等效电流积分方程法分析微带天线

    Entire Equivalence Current Integral Equation Approach for the Analysis of Microstrip Antennas

  17. 等效电流方法计算单模光纤的辐射损耗

    Calculation of radiation loss in single mode fibers by equivalent current method

  18. 极坐标系下的快速等效电流量测变换状态估计方法

    Fast State Estimation Method in Polar Coordinates Based on Equivalent Current Measurement Transformation

  19. 光波导耦合等效电流理论

    The Equivalent Current Theory of Optical Waveguide Coupling

  20. 利用等效电流变换法则计算静电场

    Calculation of static electric field by rule of ' equivalent current transform ' approach

  21. 计及等效电流量测变换及坏数据辨识的状态估计方法测量电荷量的电流计

    State Estimation Method Based on Equivalent Current Measurement Transformation and Bad Data Identification quantity galvanometer

  22. 基于相量测量的等效电流量测变换状态估计的研究

    Research on the Estimation of Conversion State of Equivalent Current Test based on Phasor Measurement

  23. 高温超导永磁体等效电流模型

    Equivalent current model of HTS permanent magnet

  24. 极区地磁亚暴等效电流体系的本征模分析

    Eigen mode analysis of the equivalent ionospheric current system in the polar region during substorms

  25. 提出了一种分析微带天线的新方法&全等效电流积分方程法。

    A new approach-entire equivalence current integral equation is developed for the analysis of microstrip antennas .

  26. 本文还分析了交流激磁钢表面裂缝的等效电流。

    Also the equivalent currents in the defect of the steel surface under alternating magnetization are analysed .

  27. 对系统中的永磁体,采用了等效电流模型。

    As for the permanent magnet in the system , the ( equivalent ) current model is adopted .

  28. 同时,本文还分析建立了适合有旋场计算的永磁体等效电流模型。

    Also in this paper the current model of PM has been described to suit rotational field analysis .

  29. 相量测量单元测量值对状态估计中等效电流量测变换算法的影响

    Influences of measured values from phasor measurement units on equivalent current based measurement transform algorithm in state estimation

  30. 地磁低点位移与地磁场等效电流体系关系的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the relation between the geomagnetic " lowest shift " phenomenon and the equivalent current system