
  • 网络Zhuxi;zhuxi county
  1. 竹溪县降低孕产妇死亡率和消除新生儿破伤风项目分析

    Analysis of the Project of Reducing the Mortality of the Pregnant and Lying-in Women And Eliminating the Tetanus to Newborn in Zhuxi County ; neonatal mortality

  2. 接着以十堰市竹溪县为例,分析隐形市场中的交易成本与利益主体的收益分配之间的关系,找出隐形市场存在的原因。

    Then it takes Shiyan zhuxi as an example , it analyzes the relationship between transaction cost of land requisition in invisible market and revenue distribution , and find the reason for the existence of the invisible market .