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  1. 蜀南竹海的再生性旅游开发研究

    On the Regenerative Development of Tourism of Bamboo Sea of Yibin

  2. 竹海温泉浅部热储的水文地球化学问题

    The hydrogeochemistry problems of the shallow heat reservoir in Zhuhai thermal spring

  3. 三峡竹海,开心就来!

    The three gorges bamboo sea , be happy !

  4. 长宁竹海主要林分林冠降雨分配格局

    Analysis of the Distribution Patterns of Canopy Precipitation of Main Forest Stands in Changning County

  5. 我们在今天行程里,就会领会到三峡竹海圣水的神奇。

    We in today trip , the will to understand the three gorges water magic .

  6. 焕发竹海英姿尽显竹乡风韵&长宁县林业发展的思考与展望

    On the Development of Changning County Forestry

  7. 蜀南竹海发展竹文化旅游初探

    Primary Research on the Development of the Bamboo-culture Tourism in the South Sichuan Bamboo Sea

  8. 这就是我们所说的“三峡竹海,开心就来。”

    This is what we call " the three gorges bamboo sea , be happy . "

  9. 我先给大家简要介绍一下三峡竹海的介况和景观特点。

    I give you briefly explain the three gorges bamboo sea interface and landscape characteristics in .

  10. 记住这几句,这也是我们这次三峡竹海之行的行程。

    Remember that a few words , it is our trip to the three gorges this trip .

  11. 其三,蜀南竹海等旅游资源特色优势明显。

    The third , tourist resources , it is famous for South Sichuan Bamboo Sea in the world .

  12. 论蜀南竹海旅游振兴&基于巴特勒旅游地生命周期理论的研究

    On Tourist Revitalization of South Sichuan Bamboo Sea : Study Based on Butler 's Tourist Resorts Lifecycle Model Theory

  13. 蜀南竹海居民对旅游影响的感知及分类研究

    A Study of Perceptions of Residents in the Bamboo Sea of Southern Sichuan towards Tourism Impacts and their Classification

  14. 这个竹海一直延伸到山顶,著名古禅院法藏寺。

    This Bamboo Sea has been extended to the Peak , a famous ancient Toll of the Temple Fazang .

  15. 蜀南竹海更以其浩瀚的翠绿、万壑的柔情,无比的峻秀,给恐龙之乡增添了无比的美丽,无穷的魅力。

    The immense bamboo forest in southern Sichuan provides incomparable beauty and endless glamour for the home of dinosaur with a boundless green bamboos , innumerable Valley tenderness and matchless pretty .

  16. 各位朋友,我们今天的游程差不多到此结束了,不知道三峡竹海之行大家开不开心,我问一声,今天大家玩儿得开心吗?

    Dear friends , today we of run about this over , don 't know the three gorges trip you had a good , I ask , today you have fun ?

  17. 以台湾海峡之国光钻油平台与新竹海气象浮标的有效波高为分析对象,通过移转机率矩阵建立马尔可夫链波高相关性模式。

    In order to extend the short-term wave records , the statistical correlation model of wave heights between two close wave stations is investigated and established by using the Markov Chain theory .

  18. 余杭西部山势蜿蜒,布满森林竹海、峡谷瀑布,是国家森林公园和生物圈保护区,充满着大自然的魅力。

    The serpentine mountains in West Yuhang is a state-grade forest park and biology protected area which is full of forests and bamboo woods and is thus inevitably full of natural charm .

  19. 有着28座遍布竹子的山峰的四川蜀南竹海风景区,由于电影《卧虎藏龙》,已成为著名游览胜地。

    The Bamboo Sea Scenic Area in Sichuan Province has become a popular destination , which consists of 28 peaks fully covered with bamboo , thanks to the movie ' Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon . '

  20. 2008年初,我国南方大面积地区发生了罕见的雨雪冰冻灾害天气,给森林生态系统造成了极大的危害,严重地影响了以竹林资源为特色的蜀南竹海景区竹林环境。

    In early 2008 , large areas of southern China was hit by a rare occurrence rain and snow disaster , the forest ecosystem was serve damaged , and the environment of the Bamboo Sea of Yibin was seriously affected .