
kōnɡ qì dònɡ lì xué
  • aerodynamics
  1. 空气动力学数值模拟的一种分量形式TVD格式

    A Component-wise TVD Scheme in Numerical Simulation of Aerodynamics

  2. 模型直升机偏航&垂直耦合运动自适应神经网络PID控制器研究:模型直升机的模型结构和空气动力学的复杂性给无人驾驶控制系统的设计带来了极大的困难和挑战。

    The yaw-vertical coupled state control of model helicopter with adaptive neural network PID : It is the most challenge and difficulty to control unmanned model helicopter for the complexity of its structure and aerodynamics .

  3. 这种小巧脆弱的生物长有异常巨大的翅膀,这从空气动力学的角度来看,效率很低。

    The delicate creatures have unusually large wings , which are aerodynamically inefficient1 .

  4. 该系统为利用X风洞进行空气动力学研究奠定了基础。

    The system laid a foundation of aerodynamic researches by using X wind tunnel .

  5. 本文将CAD建模、计算流体力学与计算多体系统动力学相结合,实现列车外形气流车辆动力学的联合仿真,分析高速列车空气动力学性能与外形设计之间的关系。

    CAD , CFD and calculation of multi-body system dynamics were combined to implement Co-simulation of train shape-air-vehicle dynamics .

  6. 通过对传统的Beam-Warming隐式格式的并行化尝试,实现了无粘和粘性空气动力学方程的并行求解。

    Viscous / inviscid aerodynamics equations are solved through a parallel try for the classical Beam Warming implicit solver .

  7. 每一辆F1赛车都是智慧与高科技的结晶。尤其是空气动力学在赛车的设计中得到了广泛的应用。

    Every F1 racing car contains both intelligence and high-tech , especially in aerodynamics .

  8. 所谓大气细颗粒物(PM(2.5))是指空气动力学当量直径≤2.5μm的悬浮颗粒物。

    The meaning of airborne fine particles ( PM_ ( 2.5 )) is particles with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μ m.

  9. 在2000年揭幕的F型是捷豹的尝试现代化的豪华运动他们与经典的E型汽车的缩影,结合空气动力学式电源。

    Unveiled in2000 , the F-Type was Jaguar 's attempt to modernize the luxury sports cars they epitomized with their classic E-type , combing power with aerodynamic style .

  10. 二维空气动力学方程组分三片Riemann问题的数值解(Ⅰ)初值分布只含接触间断

    Numerical solutions of Riemann problems in three-pieces for 2-D gas dynamics systems (ⅰ) only contain contact discontinuities

  11. “C5鸟瞰”的轮廓反映了雪铁龙公司为达到最佳的空气动力学设计做的努力。

    The profile of C5 Airscape reflects Citroen 's efforts to achieve optimal aerodynamic design .

  12. 本文首先简要叙述了轴流通风机与相似设计的基本理论、特性曲线(或特性参数)、通风机空气动力学略图和CAD系统的关键技术。

    In the thesis the author firstly expounds the axial fans design of the basic theory 、 characteristic curve ( characteristic parameter )、 outline of aerodynamics and the key technology of CAD system .

  13. 传统PID控制方式要以有效的系统模型为基础,然而,空气动力学的不确定性以及电力电子器件的复杂性使得准确模型的获取非常困难。

    The traditional PID control system needs an effective system model , however , as the uncertainty of aerodynamics and the complexity of power electronic devices , it is very difficult to obtain accurate models .

  14. 本文概要介绍大通牌SH6120型豪华旅游客车采用CAD造型设计的程序,车身造型的特点,内饰设计及车身造型空气动力学分析,给出了计算机绘制的外形图及线图。

    CAD mould design program , the characteristics of body mould , trimming design and body mould aerodynamics analysis of Da Tong SH 6120 luxury bus are briefly introduced . The outline drawing of the bus is given .

  15. 首先利用空气动力学法,计算分析了敦煌戈壁2000年9月&2001年9月的感热交换系数Ch的特征,计算得到Ch的年平均值为0.00203±0.00045。

    At first , the transfer coefficients ( C_h ) of sensible heat from September 1,2000 to September 30,2001 over the Dunhuang Gobi were computed and analyzed by aerodynamic method .

  16. 鉴于此,本文基于列车空气动力学,利用计算流体动力学(CFD)软件,首次对列车过曲线及其侧向风稳定性进行了数值模拟;

    The article addresses aerodynamic characteristic and crosswind stability of tilting train negotiating curve , according to the numeric simulation by CFD software for the first time , bases on theory of aerodynamic of train .

  17. 排气系统和气箱做了更改,以适应RA108赛车的空气动力学套件。

    The exhaust geometry and air box have changed to suit the RA108 aerodynamic package .

  18. 在根据空气动力学的基础上,参照国内外现有的气溶胶采样器研制出操作简便经济的PM2.5(空气动力学直径小于2.5μm的颗粒)采样器;

    According international aerosol samplers , the PM2 . 5 ( aerodynamicdiameter ≤ 2 . 5 μ m ) sampler was prepared on base of aerodynamics .

  19. 对湖南省部分城市不同建筑类型室内的空气动力学当量直径小于等于10μm的可吸入悬浮颗粒物(PM10)室内外浓度进行了测试。

    Indoor and outdoor concentrations of particulate less than 10 μ m ( PM10 ) were investigated in some cities in Hunan .

  20. 着重描述了高速列车与其它交通工具在空气动力学方面的差异,重点在包括磁悬浮列车(Maglev)在内的现代高速列车。

    This review highlights the differences between the aerodynamics of high-speed trains and other types of transportation vehicles . The emphasis is on modern , high-speed trains , including magnetic levitation ( Maglev ) trains .

  21. 这样就可以借助空气动力学中研究冲击波的一系列方法,来研究ESWL中的水下冲击波传播、反射和聚焦。

    So by the help of the methods of shock wave of gas dynamics , we could investigate the propagating , reflecting and focusing of the underwater shock waves in ESWL .

  22. 使用商业的CFD软件,应用其提供的滑动交界面和动网格功能对简单外形汽车隧道中会车过程的瞬态空气动力学特性进行了模拟。

    The transient flow field around two simplified shape cars when they meet oppositely side-by-side in tunnel was simulated by means of the sliding interface and the moving mesh features offered by a commercial computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) software .

  23. 本文介绍了基于DSP的飞行器模拟器设计与实现,主要分为五个部分,第一部分建立了飞行仿真的数学模型,包括飞行器空气动力学和飞行力学的数学模型、标准大气模型和风模型;

    This article introduces the design and implement of flight simulator based on DSP which contains five parts . The first part establishs the math model of flight simulator which contains the model of aerodynamics and flight mechanics , the model of standard atmosphere and wind model ;

  24. 本文使用FLUENT提供的用户自定义函数(UDF)接口,采用C语言对其进行二次开发,扩展了FLUENT的功能,以满足高速铁路隧道空气动力学研究中的复杂边界条件。

    The thesis expands the function of FLUENT through the secondary development on User Defined Function ( UDF ) provided by FLUENT with C language to meet the needs of the complex boundary condition of the study on high-speed train aerodynamic in tunnels .

  25. 应用CFD方法进行车辆外部流场的数值模拟,可以获得任意截面与位置上的流速、压力等参数,不仅可以求得气动阻力系数等车辆空气动力学特性参数的大小,而且可以进一步分解各组成部分。

    With CFD method the flow field around the vehicle can be numerically simulated and the velocity and pressure in any position and section can be known . Not only can aerodynamic characteristics such as drag coefficient be but so can obtained their components .

  26. 这表明经过本论文修正后的Pitt-Peter理论和GDW理论不仅可以用于风力发电机组空气动力学分析中,而且相对叶素动量理论分析结果更加准确。

    The comparison shows that the modified theory can be used to the aerodynamics analysis of wind turbine and more correct than BEM theory .

  27. 尽管求解雷诺平均NS方程(RANS)是解决现代空气动力学问题物理上最可信的方法,但它也有一个缺点:平均流动中湍流脉动量的影响是未知的。

    Although being superior over the other methods in terms of physical realism , the RANS methods , however , involve one major weakness-the effects of the turbulent motion of the mean flow are unknown and must be modeled .

  28. 基于空气动力学原理和惯性碰撞原理,利用自行开发的设计计算软件,完成了PM2.5切割器特性尺寸的精确设计,并对其切割性能进行了敏感性分析。

    On the basis of aerodynamic theory and inertial impact , PM2.5 impactor is designed by using impactor-calculating software self-developed . Its panicle separating performance impacted by nozzle sizes , flow-rate , and circumstance factors is also analyzed .

  29. 以彭曼-蒙特斯(Penman-Monteith)方程为基础,引进作物冠层高度,对方程中与风速有关的空气动力学项进行修正,推导出适合于温室大棚计算作物蒸腾量的简单方法。

    Based on Penman-Monteith equation , a simplified formula for calculating the crop evapotranspiration in greenhouse was deduced by introducing the parameter of crop canopy height and modifying the item of aerodynamics related to wind velocity .

  30. FNR凹凸有致的外壳由碳纤维一类材质构成,以减轻车重,特别设计的进气口让整个车身平添几分动感,也提高了空气动力学性能。

    The FNR 's sculpted exterior panels are made from composites like carbon fiber to save weight , and designed with air intakes that add drama and aerodynamic flow to the overall shape .