
  • 网络plug-seedling;plug seedling
  1. 目前,穴盘育苗技术日趋成熟,并越来越广泛地应用于花卉、蔬菜育苗。

    Currently , plug-seedling technology was more and more widely used in flower and vegetable seedlings .

  2. 甜椒穴盘育苗相关技术研究

    Study on the Relative Technology for Sweet Pepper Plug Seedling

  3. 采用猪粪/玉米秸秆型育苗基质进行茄子穴盘育苗时,除了处理F以外,所有处理的茄子的出苗率均达到80%以上,达到了CK的水平;

    Using pig manure / corn straw media to seedling , emergence rate of all treatments can get to 80 % except for treatment F.

  4. 将蚯蚓粪和蛭石按2∶1(v/v)的比例组成复合基质,然后添加不等量的CO(NH2)2和KNO3,用于辣椒穴盘育苗。

    The worm cast and vermiculite compound medium was prepared at the volumetric ratio of 2 to 1 , and then different amounts of CO ( NH_2 ) _2 and KNO_3 were added and plug pepper seedling culture was carried out .

  5. 几个因素对番茄穴盘育苗效果的影响

    Effect of Several Factors on the Production of Tomato Plug Seedling

  6. 不同加温方式对番茄穴盘育苗的效应

    The Study on Effect of Heating Methods on Tomato Seedling

  7. 国内外蔬菜穴盘育苗发展综述

    Summary of Foreign and Domestic Vegetable Corps Plug Transplants Production

  8. 工厂化穴盘育苗主要技术及标准

    The Main Techniques and Standards of Plugs in Factory Prodution

  9. 穴盘育苗技术在甜椒育种中的应用研究

    Vertical plate planter Research on Plug Seedling Technology in Sweet Pepper Breeding

  10. 蚯蚓粪基质在甘蓝穴盘育苗中的应用

    Application of Earthworm Dejecta Substrate in Raising Cabbage Plug Seedlings

  11. 穴盘育苗技术在蔬菜上的应用初探

    Primary study on technique of breeding vegetable seedling in tray

  12. 茄子穴盘育苗基质及其育苗效果的研究

    The Study of Plug Seedling Substrate and the Effect on Eggplant Seedling

  13. 不同轻型基质对加工番茄穴盘育苗的影响

    The Effect of Different Substrates for Plug-seedlings of Processing Tomato

  14. 穴盘育苗营养基质物理性状研究进展

    Advances in Research on Physical Properties of Growing Medium for Plug Transplant Production

  15. 番茄穴盘育苗苗龄和营养面积的研究

    Study on Age and Nutritive Area of Tomato Seedlings Grown in Plug Tray

  16. 不同配比芦苇末基质应用于甜椒穴盘育苗的效果

    Reed Residue Substrate Formula for Capsicum Plug Seedling Production

  17. 黄瓜穴盘育苗株型调控研究

    Study on the Regulation of Plant Frame of Cucumber Seedlings Grown in Tray

  18. 对番茄穴盘育苗技术规范进行研究。

    The technical specification on plugs seedlings was studied .

  19. 青花菜穴盘育苗效果研究

    A study on the effect of hole plant seedling breeding of var. italica Planch

  20. 黄瓜蚯蚓粪基质穴盘育苗肥料添加量的研究

    Studies on Fertilizer Addition of Cucumber Plug Seedling Production with Wormcast - based Media

  21. 不同季节辣椒穴盘育苗基质配比对种苗质量的影响

    Effects of Different Substrate Ratios on Hot Pepper Plug Seedling Quality in Different Seasons

  22. 添加蛭石和鸡粪对玉米秸基质穴盘育苗的影响

    Effect of vermiculite and chicken manure addition on plug seedling production with corn stalk substrate

  23. 棉秆混合基质进行樱桃番茄穴盘育苗试验

    Study on the Application of Cotton Stalk Complex Substrates to Cherry Tomato Seedlings Raised in Plug

  24. 一串红穴盘育苗施用控释肥的经济效益显著高于传统喷施。

    The economic benefits of CRF were significantly higher than the traditional spraying in Salvia plug seedlings .

  25. 用复合基质取代草炭进行穴盘育苗可使育苗成本大大降低。

    Replacing peat moss with complex media , the cost of raising plug seedlings was largely decreased .

  26. 番茄、甜椒穴盘育苗基质氮磷钾养分控制标准的研究

    Studies on the Standard of N , P , K Nutrients in Nursery Medium of Tomato and Sweet Pepper Plug Seedlings

  27. 研究结果为提高穴盘育苗秧苗素质,推动穴盘育苗技术普及应用提供理论依据和技术支持。

    The studies provide further theoretical bases and technological guide for improvement of quality of the potting seedlings and popularization of potting seedlings .

  28. 本实用新型采用错位原理,不用电力,用人工手动进行穴盘育苗。

    The utility model adopts the displacement principle , and point disk seedling growing is carried on by manual work without electric power .

  29. 在应用基础研究方面仅限于少数蔬菜作物的栽培,没有形成工厂化穴盘育苗、蔬菜作物、观赏植物的栽培等专用的系列化产品。

    In the past , the applied research was concentrated on the cultivation of vegetable crops , lack on the ornamental plants and transplant production .

  30. 目前在蔬菜种植业中,由于营养钵育苗移栽时对苗无损伤,所以有取代传统穴盘育苗的趋势。

    Because the bowl seeding has no harm to the stock when transplanted , therefore it is used widely and tends to replace the hole seeding .