
shuì shōu lì fǎ
  • tax revenue legislation
  1. 这就直接导致税收立法的混乱;第五,地方立法权限过小。

    The chaos of tax revenue legislation is directly caused by the above reasons ; fifthly , local legislative competence is too narrow .

  2. 这取决于国家的立法权结构,而立法权决定税收立法的档次和税收法律的性质和效率。

    It depends on the legislative structure of state , while the level of tax revenue legislation as well as the nature and efficiency of laws on tax collection are decided by legislative power .

  3. 银行家们立即声讨有追溯效力的税收立法。

    Bankers are quick to condemn retrospective tax legislation .

  4. 加入WTO后对我国现行税收立法模式的思考

    On the Patterns of Current Taxation Law After China 's Entry of WTO

  5. 税收立法权是税权中的核心权力。

    Tax legislative power is the core power of tax authority .

  6. 论赋予地方税收立法权的理论依据与取向选择

    On Theoretical Basis and Orientational Selection of Local Tax Legislative Power

  7. 谈税收立法中股息和投资所得的税收处理

    The Tax Treatment on the Income of Dividend and Investment

  8. 加快税收立法,提高立法质量和效率;

    Expediting tax lawmaking , improving the efficiency and quality of lawmaking ;

  9. 完善我国现行税收立法权限体制

    On Perfecting the Current Tax Legislative Authority System in China

  10. 依法治税的基础是有完备的税收立法,也就是要有法可依。

    Perfect tax legislation is the foundation of the rule of law .

  11. 第三部分,政府间的税收立法博弈关系分析。

    The third part analyzes the game relations of different class governments .

  12. 中美税收立法程序比较研究

    Comparative Study of Tax Legislative Procedure between China and America

  13. 税收立法权的划分

    A Study on Splitting Tax Legislative Powers in China

  14. 地方税收立法权探析

    A Discussion on the Right of Local Tax Legislation

  15. 论我国税收立法的合法性基础

    Study of the Legitimacy Foundation of China Tax Legislation

  16. 三是税收立法过程应该是一个广泛的群众参与。

    Thirdly , the taxation legislation should be an extensive action for crowds .

  17. 完善税收立法的基本途径

    Basic Ways of Improving the Legislation of Taxation

  18. 努力争取适度的地方税收立法权;

    Striving for appropriate legislative power of taxation ;

  19. 一项简单的措施是税收立法。

    One simple measure would be on tax .

  20. 我国现行的税收立法,数量少、效力层次低、可操作性差。

    The tax law in China is insufficient in quantity and inefficient in operation .

  21. 初步建立西部税式支出制度;赋予地方政府适度的税收立法权;

    Establishing Western preliminary tax disbursement system , entrusting local governments appropriate taxation legislative power ;

  22. 试论如何加强我国税收立法

    On Strengthening the Tax Legislation by Law

  23. 我国现行税收立法体制和税收法律体系尚不健全,存在一些问题。

    There exist some problems in our present tax legislative system and tax legal system .

  24. 加快完善税收立法,特别是税式支出管理法;

    Speeding up improving our tax legislation , especially for law of expenditure in tax ;

  25. 我国的税收立法体制

    On China 's Taxation Legislation System

  26. 并且从不同的面向视之,地方税收立法权具有权利与权力的双重性质。

    The local legislative of revenue has two aspects which are power and right of legislative .

  27. 第四,把法学的基本思想融入税收立法权的规范之中。

    The basic ideology of jurisprudence has been fused into the regulation for tax legislative powers .

  28. 关于我国税收立法体制的探讨

    Legislative System of Taxation in China

  29. 论统筹区域发展的财政税收立法

    On the Legislature on Finance and Tax Revenue to Plan as a Whole to Regional Development

  30. 因此,税收立法体制的理论探讨就成了理论对实践的必然回应。

    Therefore , it is necessary to research on the tax legislative theory to direct practice .