
shuì wù dēnɡ jì
  • tax registration
  1. 好的,这是我的税务登记证副本。

    This is the attached sheet of my Tax Registration Certificate .

  2. 改革和完善现行的税务登记管理办法;

    Reform and improve current tax registration and administration method ;

  3. 加强税务登记管理,强化日常监管。

    To strengthen tax registration administration and solidify routine supervision .

  4. 谢:这是您的税务登记证,请拿好。

    Here is your Tax Registration Certificate . Please don 't lose it .

  5. 负责营业执照,组织机构代码证,税务登记证年检。

    In charge of business licenses , organization code , tax registration renewal .

  6. 请办理外籍人员税务登记。

    Please apply for tax registration for foreigners .

  7. 请提供税务登记证副本原件、复印件和单位介绍信。

    Please present the original copy of the duplicate of your tax registration certificate .

  8. 公司在登记地缴税,而非所在地。请填写注销税务登记表并加盖公章。

    Please fill out the tax cancellation return form with your company 's stamp .

  9. 对设立手续完备的,予以办理税务登记。

    For the unit or individual with complete procedure , tax registration shall be handled .

  10. 请您将这份税务登记表填好。

    Please complete the tax registration form .

  11. 我们将对您公司进行注销税务登记检查。

    We 'll go to your company to check on the cancellation of tax registration .

  12. 约翰逊先生将给一家新成立的外商投资企业办理开业税务登记。

    Mr. Johnson is going to make tax registration for a newly established foreign invested enterprise .

  13. 税务登记证件的式样,由国家税务总局制定。

    The format of the tax registration certificate shall be determined by the State Administration of Taxation .

  14. 其办理税务登记的范围和办法另行规定。

    The scope of and measures for taxation registration for such units and individuals shall be stipulated elsewhere .

  15. 在某些时候,还会出现税务登记号、支付方式以及其他数据。

    At some point , a tax registration number , method of payment , and other data may appear .

  16. 个人所得税的纳税人办理税务登记的办法由国务院另行规定。

    Measures for tax registration of individual income tax by taxpayers shall be separately formulated by the State Council .

  17. 好的,谢谢!我还要去国税办理税务登记证吗?

    Nice , thanks ! Need I go to the state tax bureau to apply for another tax registration certificate ?

  18. 未按照规定的期限申报办理税务登记、变更或者注销登记的

    " Failure to apply for tax registration , change or cancellation of tax registration within a prescribed time limit ;"

  19. 如代理建立内部财务制度、管理制度,代理申请营业执照,代理税务登记等。

    For instance , internal financial system , management system , applying commercial instrument , tax registration and so on .

  20. 建立了登记备案管理制度,明确了项目税务登记和扣缴登记义务;

    The Interim Measures establishes a register records system and specifies the obligation of registering for project tax and tax withholding ;

  21. 新办企业在办理完税务登记后,即可办理一般纳税人。

    After doing an enterprise newly to be registered in Wu of conduction pay taxes , can deal with average taxpayer .

  22. 符合规定的,予以登记,并发给税务登记证件。

    For those applications in compliance with regulations , registration shall be granted and a tax registration certificate shall be issued .

  23. 请填写注销税务登记表并加盖公章。请到税务登记中心办理相关手续。

    Please fill out the tax cancellation return form with your company 's stamp . Please go to the Tax Registration Center .

  24. 对设立手续不完备但实际从事煤炭生产经营的,予以办理临时税务登记。

    In case of the unit or individual with incomplete procedure yet having undertaken coal production , temporary tax registration shall be handled .

  25. 一是对于依法办理税务登记的单位和个人规定了以下领购程序。

    Firstly , The following invoice receiving and purchasing procedures are stipulated for units and individuals who perform tax registration according to law .

  26. 提供经营、办公、会议、洽谈场地租赁服务;代办工商注册、税务登记等手续,协助企业取得高新技术资质认证。

    To provide various office facilities including multi-functional conferencing room , VIP room , to provide one-stop service for business administration and tax registration .

  27. 受资方所提供的可行性分析资料、公司营业执照、税务登记证等法律文件必须完备。

    The recipient of the investment must provide full and complete legal documents , such as documents of feasibility analysis , business license and tax registration certificate .

  28. 一般企业需要年检的证件主要有:营业执照;税务登记证;一般纳税人资格证。

    Average company needs the certificate of the yearly check to basically have : business charter ; duty Wu registers card ; card of average taxpayer qualification .

  29. 税务登记法律制度评析&兼论《税收征管法》相关内容的完善

    Comment and Analysis on the Law and System of Tax Registration & And Concerning the Perfection of Related Content of the Law on the Administration of Tax Collection

  30. 在日常征管方面对税务登记、纳税申报、发票管理等方面做适当的修改和调整,同时完善相关配套措施。

    For daily taxation administration , appropriate amendments and adjustment shall be made in tax registration , tax reporting , invoice control and etc , meanwhile optimizing relevant measures .