
  1. 邯郸市地税局是河北省最早推行税收执法责任制的试点单位。

    Handan , Hebei Province Local Taxation Bureau is the first responsibility of the pilot implementation of tax law enforcement units .

  2. 税收执法责任制是规范和监督税务机关税收行政执法活动的一项重要制度。

    Taxation law-enforcing responsibility system is an important system which is to regulate and supervise the administrative law-enforcement activities of tax authorities .

  3. 税收执法责任制的建立和实施,是基于对税收执法权的监督和制约。

    Tax law enforcement , the establishment and implementation of the responsibility system is based on the enforcement of the tax law supervision and regulation .

  4. 以完善的行政追究和考评体系为保障,使税收执法责任制得以有效运行。

    Take the perfect administrative investigation and the examination system as the safeguards , enables the tax revenue law enforcement responsibility system to move effectively .

  5. 依托信息化推行税收执法责任制是社会发展的需求,是确保国家财政收入的有利保障。

    Relying on information technology , the implementation of tax law enforcement responsibility system is the demand of social development and is to ensure the favorable protection of the state revenue .

  6. 税收执法责任制在各级各地税务机关的推行实施,对于完善执法监控,加强税收管理具有非同寻常的意义。

    The tax revenue law enforcement responsibility system in all levels of regional Tax authorities ' carrying out implementation , regarding consummates the law enforcement monitoring , strengthens the tax administration to have the unusual significance .

  7. 再加上近年来国家税务总局大力推进税收执法责任制,强化对税收执法权的监督制约,税务稽查风险不断加大。

    Additionally with the State Bureau of Taxation promoting the tax administrative responsibility and strengthening the supervision and restraint of the tax enforcing power for the past years , the tax audit risk has been increasing .

  8. 对税收机关实行税收执法责任制总体业务流程图给出了详细的分析描述,确定了整个系统的功能模块和设计原则、设计思想。

    The tax authorities on the implementation of the overall business tax enforcement responsibility flow chart gives a detailed description of the analysis to determine the function modules and the whole system design principles , design .