
  • 网络Tax Basic Law
  1. 从国际比较看我国建立税收基本法的必要性及可行性

    On the Necessity and Feasibility about Establishing The Tax Basic Law in China

  2. 其次,制定税收基本法是完善我国税收法律体系的需要。

    Secondly , legislation of tax basic law is a requirement to perfect tax law system in our country .

  3. 我国税收基本法研究basic载体中,经测序鉴定插入序列的正确性。

    Study on Basic Tax Law of China basic vector .

  4. 税收基本法的母法地位质疑&兼论税收基本法的价值

    Questioning the Status of Parent Law of the Basic Taxation Law

  5. 第二部分对税收基本法的调整对象&税收法律关系进行分析,主要包括其含义、构成要素和本质。

    The first part is the definition and analysis of taxation basic law .

  6. 刍议税收基本法立法的几个基本问题

    Some Basic Problems about Legislation of Revenue Basic Law

  7. 关于制定《税收基本法》的思考

    Thinking About Constitution Of Basic Taxation Law

  8. 第二部分主要探讨了我国税收基本法的立法模式。

    In the second part , we mainly discuss the legislation modes of our basic tax law .

  9. 最后,税收基本法立法是提高税收执法和司法水平的需要。

    Finally , legislation of tax law is a requirement that can promote the level of national legislation and law-enforcement .

  10. 研究制定税收基本法,逐步建立起以税收基本法为主导,以税收实体法和税收程序法为两翼的三位一体的、完备的税收法律体系。

    Study and legislate basis tax law . Establish tax juristic system oriented by basic tax law , supported by tax entity law and tax process law .

  11. 第一部分主要探讨我国税收基本法立法的必要性。

    Three main legislation problems of basic tax law in china as following : In the first , we discussed the necessity of legislation of basic tax law in china .

  12. 对确属地方税的税种如营业税、城市维护建设税等,应在《税收基本法》中明确其地方税的地位。

    The taxes authentically belong to the local tax such as business tax , the town maintenance and construction tax , should be defined in the basic code of taxation .

  13. 本文主要分析基本原则的含义、作用以及具体内容。税收基本法的基本原则可以归纳为税收法定主义原则,税收公平原则和税收效率原则。

    In the dissertation I mainly analyze its definition , role and contents , the basic principles of taxation basic law include taxation laws principle , taxation fair principle and taxation efficiency principle .

  14. 就模式选择来说,我国应立足本国国情,借鉴国外经验,来确定征税权宪法控制的模式,即宪法+税收基本法+税收单行法。

    As for the mode choice , we should base our national conditions , use for reference of the foreign experience , to determine its mode , which is constitution with basic taxation law and taxation administrative law .

  15. 目前我国宪法中还没有明确税收法定主义原则;第二,缺少税收基本法,税收法律体系配套不完整。

    At present , tax revenue legal principle is not made clear in constitutional law of this country ; secondly , there is a lack of tax basic law , and the complements for tax legal system are incomplete .