
  1. 税收保全制度和强制执行制度在执行主体、内容、程序、前提、制约责任等方面有共同之处;

    Tax revenue preserve system with force to carry out system in the aspects such as conducted main part , content , program , prerequisite and restriction responsibility have common place ;

  2. 税收多多益善?税收保全制度与强制执行制度的比较分析

    Tax revenue preserved system with force to carry out the trade off study of system

  3. 在日常税收征管工作中,人们容易对税收保全制度和强制执行制度的认识产生混淆,影响税收执法的严肃性。

    In daily tax revenue solicit pipe work in , people preserve system easily for tax revenue and force to carry out the knowledge of system , produce the seriousness that obscures and has affected the law enforcement of tax revenue .