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qín shǐ huáng
  • Qin Shi Huang;First Emperor of Qin
秦始皇[qín shǐ huáng]
  1. 这项研究的共同作者XiuzhenJaniceLi说当时有70万名劳工被招来进行这项史诗般的工程,其中大部分是囚犯或欠朝廷债的人。XiuzhenJaniceLi曾经是伦敦大学的考古专家,现在工作于中国的秦始皇帝陵博物馆。

    The epic effortconscripted 700000 laborers , many of whom were convicts or people who were indebt to the empire , said study co-author Xiuzhen Janice Li , an archaeologistwho was at the University College London at the time of the new work and is nowat the Emperor Qin Shi Huang 's MausoleumSite Museumin China .

  2. 秦始皇以法家学说治国。

    Qin Shi Huang ruled through the principle of legalism .

  3. 秦始皇于公元前221年统一中国。

    The First Emperor of Qin unified China in 221 B.C.

  4. 秦始皇废封建,设郡县。

    The first emperor of Qin abolished principalities and established prefectures and counties .

  5. 秦始皇平一宇内。

    The emperor of Qin quenched numerous uprisings and unified the whole of china .

  6. 在这些伟大的改革下,秦始皇变得更加强大和沉着。

    Under these great reforms , Qin grew stronger and slinger .

  7. 最终,秦始皇统一了七国,建立了大秦帝国。

    Al last , Qin made all the seven states into one empire .

  8. 秦始皇把七个主要国家统一为一个国家,在这个国家里,汉语文字系统开始朝着一个方向发展。

    Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction .

  9. 秦始皇用泥塑造了这批俑,没有活埋奴隶作为殉葬。

    The Emperor had these clay figures made instead of burying slave-workers alive as immolation .

  10. 为了巩固国家统一,维持秦朝永传万代,秦始皇在政治、经济、军事和文化上进行了很多改革。

    To strengthen the unity3 of the nation and to perpetuate4 the Qin Dynasty , Emperor Qin Shi Huang carried out many reforms in politics , economy , military affairs and culture .

  11. 《秦时明月》的故事背景设定在了秦朝,讲述了从秦始皇嬴政统一六国到西楚霸王项羽崛起,攻占都城咸阳的故事。

    The Legend of Qin VII follows the Qin Dynasty from when the Emperor of the Kingdom of Qin , Ying Zheng , conquered the other six kingdoms , to the rise of the king of Western Chu , Xiang Yu , who captured the capital city , Xianyang .

  12. 秦始皇的残暴引起了人民的反抗。

    Emperor Qinshihuang 's cruelty excited a rising of the people .

  13. 秦始皇帝陵旅游发展的若干关键问题研究

    Research on Tourism Development of The Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang

  14. 即使拥有如此巨大的财富,秦始皇仍生活在恐惧之中。

    Even with all this wealth , Chin lived in fear .

  15. 公元前209年,中国第一位皇帝秦始皇驾崩。

    China 's first emperor Qin Shihuang died in 209 BC .

  16. 秦始皇陵园人造景观浅析

    A Simple Analysis on the Artificial Scenery of Qin Shihuang Cemetery

  17. 标题:“秦始皇是中国历史上第一位皇帝”如何翻译?

    The first emperor in history of China is Qin Shihuang .

  18. 秦始皇陵铜车马

    The Bronze Chariots and Horses of Emperor Qin Shihuang 's Mausoleum

  19. 怎么样,秦始皇陵大吧?

    Well , is the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum very big ?

  20. 秦始皇把不同的段落连成一体。

    And Emperor Qin Shihuang connected different sections as one .

  21. 我们今天就要去看看秦始皇陵。

    Today I 'll take you to see the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum .

  22. 不仅如此,秦始皇用尽一切办法来控制人们的思想。

    Moreover , the First Emperor did everything to control peopled thinking .

  23. 秦始皇陵是我国最大的帝王陵园。

    Qinshihuang Mausoleum is the largest one of Emperor Mausoleums in our country .

  24. 而我们中国的秦始皇陵是世界上最大的地下皇陵。

    And China 's Qin Shihuang Mausoleum is the largest imperial tomb underground .

  25. 你说的秦始皇陵到底在哪儿啊?

    Where is the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum you mentioned ?

  26. 长城一定很古老,我曾听说过秦始皇。

    It must be pretty old . I 've heard of Qin shihuang .

  27. 目前,中国没有继续挖掘秦始皇陵的计划。

    No excavation of Qin 's tomb is planned .

  28. 译文:是秦始皇让人把那些墙连接起来。

    It was Qin Shi Huang who had all the walls joined up .

  29. 秦始皇自己的宫殿是所有宫殿中最宏伟、最奢侈的。它有成千上万个房间和单宫别院。

    The emperor 's own palace was the largest and richest of all .

  30. 但是秦始皇为他们修建了宫殿,同他们原来住的宫殿一样华丽。

    But Chin built palaces for them just like those they had left .