
  • 网络Covo;kolo;KOVOL;Thomas M.Cover;KEVIR
  1. 斯隆管理学院与韩国首尔的成均馆大学(SungkyunkwanUniversity)的合作关系持续了8年,与俄罗斯斯科尔科沃管理学院(SkolkovoSchoolofManagement)MBA项目的合作关系持续了3年。

    The school 's partnership with Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul , Korea , lasted eight years , and that with the Skolkovo MBA programme in Russia ran for three .

  2. 他称,俄罗斯的理科教育仍然强大,至少在硕士级别或以下是如此,“我们斯科尔科沃可以吸引到的学生的水准与MIT、剑桥和牛津不相上下”。

    He says that scientific education , at least through to masters level , remains strong and " the standard of students we [ Skolkovo ] are able to attract is on a par with MIT , Cambridge and Oxford . "

  3. 叙述了未来10年可能实施的几个空间天体测量计划,如欧洲空间局的GAIA、美国喷气推进实验室的SIM、德国的DIVA、美国海军天文台的FAME和俄罗斯普尔科沃天文台的STRUVE等。

    In the third section , some space astrometric projects , which will probably be carried on in the next decade , such as GAIA of ESA , SIM of US JPL , DIVA of Germany , FAME of US Naval Observatory and STRUVE of Pulkovo , Russia are described .

  4. 评普尔科沃天文台大气折射表

    A discussion of the refraction tables of Pulkovo Observatory

  5. 最终调用Matlab7中的神经网络工具箱,在普尔科沃大气折射表数据平台上进行了映射函数与神经网络建模拟合,为论题提供了很好的显性评价依据。

    The adjustment is carried out with the help of Matlab 7 Neural network toolbox for modeling and fitting .

  6. 除了保加利亚财长德加科沃的财政政策外,今年经济增长的预测已经破灭。

    Despite the rigorous fiscal policies of Simeon Djankov , Bulgaria 's finance minister , growth forecasts for this year have been cut .

  7. 其结果是高校与商界之间的桥梁垮塌,创办斯科尔科沃创新中心的初衷就是帮助纠正这种脱节。

    As a result , the bridge between universities and commerce was broken , a disconnect the Skolkovo centre was designed to help rectify .

  8. 本文介绍了普尔科沃天文台大气折射表第五版并对表列的平均折射结果进行了一些分析。

    In this paper , some analyses have been done to the mean refraction of the wellknown refraction tables of Pulkovo Observatory ( Fifth edition ) .