- 网络Covo;kolo;KOVOL;Thomas M.Cover;KEVIR

The school 's partnership with Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul , Korea , lasted eight years , and that with the Skolkovo MBA programme in Russia ran for three .
He says that scientific education , at least through to masters level , remains strong and " the standard of students we [ Skolkovo ] are able to attract is on a par with MIT , Cambridge and Oxford . "
In the third section , some space astrometric projects , which will probably be carried on in the next decade , such as GAIA of ESA , SIM of US JPL , DIVA of Germany , FAME of US Naval Observatory and STRUVE of Pulkovo , Russia are described .
A discussion of the refraction tables of Pulkovo Observatory
The adjustment is carried out with the help of Matlab 7 Neural network toolbox for modeling and fitting .
Despite the rigorous fiscal policies of Simeon Djankov , Bulgaria 's finance minister , growth forecasts for this year have been cut .
As a result , the bridge between universities and commerce was broken , a disconnect the Skolkovo centre was designed to help rectify .
In this paper , some analyses have been done to the mean refraction of the wellknown refraction tables of Pulkovo Observatory ( Fifth edition ) .