
  1. 科学技术普及是人类科学实践活动的一部分,是一项庞大的系统工程。

    Science popularization is part of human science activities and a complex system .

  2. 科学技术普及活动由于国家公共政策而显著增加。

    S & T popularisation activities have increased significantly due to a national public policy .

  3. 在21世纪,利用科普动漫进行科技传播已经成为科学技术普及的一种必不可少的手段和方式。

    In the21st century animated cartoon for science popularization has played an important role in science communication .

  4. 论土地科学技术普及

    Discussion on Land Scientific Popularization

  5. 特别提出了科研机构和大专院校自身应有对全社会公民进行科学技术普及宣传的义务。

    Proposed specially the scientific research institution and the universities , colleges and institutes own Shoulder the responsibility of carrying on the science and technology popularization propaganda to the entire social citizens .

  6. 开展科学技术普及(以下称科普),应当采取公众易于理解、接受、参与的方式。

    For popularization of science and technology ( hereinafter referred to as PST ), such ways as may make it easy for the general public to understand , accept and participate in shall be adopted .

  7. 遍览农业发达国家的发展历程,无一例外地都从加强技术培训、提高农民素质入手,解决农业科学技术普及应用问题的。

    In view of development process in the developed countries , there has been no exception to solve the agricultural technology extension and application issues by starting up with strengthening the training work and upgrading the farmers ' quality .

  8. 而科学技术普及实现了科技知识的传递和扩散,是将科学工作者私有知识转化为社会共享知识,进而促进科学技术的发展和社会进步的一种重要方式。

    The popularization of science and technology spread knowledge to the world , and make " private knowledge " of scientific workers into " social knowledge " . It is an important way to promote scientific technology development and social progress .

  9. 科学技术普及工作是普及科学技术知识、提高全民族科学素养的关键措施。提升科普工作的水平和效率是建设创新型国家,促进科学技术发展的一项基础性工作。

    Popularization of Science is a key mean of popularizing science knowledge , improving the scientific literacy of the whole nation . Enhance the level and efficiency of Popularization of Science is a basic work in building an innovation-oriented country and promoting scientific and technological development .

  10. 随着科学技术的普及,电脑在各个领域的应用正越来越广泛。

    With the popularization of science and technology , computers have found an increasingly wide application in all fields .

  11. 随着航模系统科学技术的普及和发展及在各个领域发挥越来越重要的作用,进行航模系统的研究设计,具有显著的工程意义和经济意义。

    As aeromodelling technology developing and wide used in more and more fields , the aeromodelling system design have great engineering and market value .

  12. 社区图书馆在推广科学技术、普及科学文化。提高居民素质、共建文明社区方面发挥着积极作用。

    Community 's library is popularizing science and technology , popularizes science and culture , improves residents quality , building together the civilized community 's construction aspect to play a positive role .

  13. 在科学技术日益普及的云南大地上,有的民族仍然认为:天地人间都由神灵主宰着,给人类降下吉凶祸福。

    Even in today 's society with modern technology , many minorities still believe that the world is controlled by gods and souls , who will bring bless , good luck or disasters .

  14. 如何抓住历史机遇,适应新的发展形势,在新时期为科学技术的普及和推广做出新贡献,促进我国的科技进步是时代提交给所有科学技术协会、学会工作者的严肃课题。

    Flourishing Counties by Science and Technology Sees Bright Prospects How to holding tight the history opportunity , adapting to the new development situation and doing the new contributing , is serious lesson .

  15. 随着计算机科学技术的普及应用,很多行业都已经实现了自动化管理。在电力行业,计算机技术也都得到了广泛的应用,其中应用最广的就是计算机可视化图形技术。

    Along with the computer the popularization of science and technology application , many industries have realized the automation management In the electric power industry , the main application is visualized computer graphics technology application .

  16. 但如果没有科学技术的全民普及,科学技术将很难被转化为有效的生产力。

    But without universal coverage of science and technology , science and technology will be difficult to be translated into effective productivity .

  17. 在现代化进程下,日新月异的科学技术变化与普及,民族间的大融合,国际间文化的交汇与冲击,使得民族地区土家族历史档案该如何进行传承成为一个迫在眉睫、丞待解决的问题。

    In the process of modernization , with the change of technology and amalgamation of people , international cultural impact , make the ethical region how to heritage is becoming an imminent problem to be solved .

  18. 认为应加快深化企业改革的步伐,加强信息科学技术知识的普及教育,加强我国信息化人才的培养,加强政府的宏观引导与支持,加大对企业信息化的投入。

    It also puts forward the countermeasures and the developing direction by quickening the paces of enterprise 's reform , strengthening general education of information science technology knowledge , cultivating informationization talents of China , strengthening government 's macro direction and support and enlarging the investment of enterprise 's informationization .

  19. 随着科学技术的发展和普及,智能化住宅已开始在国内出现,国际上则以相当快的速度发展。

    With the development of science and technology , intelligent house has appeared in China , while this technique is fast developing in some other countries .

  20. 进入21世纪以来,伴随着计算机科学技术的发展和普及,各高等学校都在努力进行大学计算机基础课程教育教学改革。

    Since the 21st century , with the development of computer science and technology and popularization of higher schools , each college are trying to basic computer courses education teaching reform .

  21. 为提高全体公民的科学文化素质,《中华人民共和国科学技术普及法》规定,大众传媒要承担科学技术普及的任务。

    In order to enhance the scientific and cultural quality of all citizens , ` The Law of Scientific and Technological Popularization of PRC ' provides that mass media should shoulder the responsibility to popularize science and technology .

  22. 第五条国家鼓励环境保护科学教育事业的发展,加强环境保护科学技术的研究和开发,提高环境保护科学技术水平,普及环境保护的科学知识。

    Article 5 . The state shall encourage the development of education in the science of environmental protection , strengthen the study and development of the science and technology of environmental protection , raise the scientific and technological level of environmental protection and popularize scientific knowledge of environmental protection .