
  • 网络the Coase Theorem;Coase's Theorem
  1. 学术界关于科斯定理的描述历来是比较笼统的。

    The description of The Coase Theorem is always devoid of exactness .

  2. 科斯定理包含的最大的局限性是并没有考虑产权配置的收入效应。

    The limitation of Coase theorem is the absence of the wealth effect .

  3. 本文最重要的创新之处在于,通过从以下两个角度阐述了ESO是充分释放企业家才能,提高企业效益的有效途径,一是从熊彼特的创新理论和科斯定理的角度;

    The most important innovation of this paper lies in , through explaining from two following angles ESO is the effective way which can fully release entrepreneur 's ability , improve the enterprise 's benefit , first , the angle of the J.

  4. 外部性,科斯定理与最优产权结构

    Externality , Coase 's Theorem and Optimal Property Rights Structure

  5. 基于科斯定理的价格理论修正

    Revising the Price Theory on the Basis of Coase Theorem

  6. 科斯定理与我国国有企业改革

    Coase Theorem and the Reform of State-owned Enterprises in China

  7. 科斯定理、合成谬误与囚犯难题

    Coase Theorem , Fallacy of Composition and Prisoner 's Dilemma

  8. 交易费用、交易惠利与科斯定理成立的条件

    Transaction Costs , Transaction Profits and the Tenable Prerequisite for Coase Theorem

  9. 科斯定理对排污权交易政策的理论贡献

    On the Contribution of Coase Theorem to Emission Trading

  10. 科斯定理的法和经济学拓展

    Development of Law and Economics of Coase 's Theorem

  11. 技术产权界定时的科斯定理悖论

    A Paradox of Coase Theorem for Technological Property Bounding

  12. 博弈结构、“无交易”命题与科斯定理&关于交易成本的一个笔记

    Game structure : " no trade " proposition and the First Coase Theorem

  13. 这是科斯定理的另一种表述了。

    This is another expression of Coase theorem .

  14. 政治科斯定理述评

    A Review of Literature on Political Coase Theorem

  15. 科斯定理与水资源的有效配置

    Efficient Allocation of Kos Theorem with Water Resources

  16. 从这种意义上说,科斯定理乃是标准价格理论的一个特例。

    In this sense , Coase theorem is a variation of normal price theory .

  17. 科斯定理、相互性与公共领域

    Coase Theorem , Relativity and Public Domain

  18. 科斯定理的数学阐述及思考

    Mathematical proof and rethinking on Coase Theorem

  19. 研究中,笔者还将弗里德曼的永久收入假说扩展到永久效用假说,并且放松了科斯定理成立的条件。

    In this study , the author extends the permanent income hypothesis and Coase theorem .

  20. 论科斯定理的意义

    Comment on the Meaning of Coase Theory

  21. 产权配置过程中的公正与效率&来自科斯定理缺陷的启示

    Justice and Efficiency in the Process of Distributing Property Right - From the Coase Theorem

  22. 科斯定理与国家理论&权力、可信承诺与政治企业家

    The Coase Theorem and the Theory of the State & Power , Credible Commitment and Political Entrepreneur

  23. 另一方面,在众多的经济学文献中都以一个双头模型来解释或证明所谓的“科斯定理”。

    On the other hand , multitudinous literatures explain or prove so-called Coase theorem with duopoly model .

  24. 为了理解科斯定理,我们首先得介绍另一个概念,就是外部性。

    To understand the Coase theorem , we first need to introduce another idea , the externality .

  25. 传统的应对方法主要介绍了庇古税和科斯定理的具体应用。

    Traditional methods mainly introduce the specific application of " Pigou Tax " and " Coase Theorem " .

  26. 科斯定理并没有对新古典微观经济学的基本结构产生影响,这非偶然。

    It is not accidental that Coase Theorem did not bring about a complete change to the basic structure of neoclassical microeconomics .

  27. 在经济学角度,通过重点介绍外部性理论和科斯定理,得出完全补偿才能更有效率的保护环境资源。

    In economics , by focuses on externality theory and Coase theorem , yield full compensation to more efficient protection of environmental resources .

  28. 通过对科斯定理的创造性运用,建立金融分业、混业分析的微观基础。

    By creatively applying the Coase Law to the financial field , we form the microanalysis basis for separated operation and mixed operation .

  29. 法经济学基本定理包括斯密定理、规范的霍布斯定理、科斯定理、波斯纳定理等。

    The theorems of law and economics include Smith Theorem , Normative Hobbes Theorem , Coase Theorem , Posner Theorem and so on .

  30. 本文构建了一个简单的两部门经济增长模型。这个模型是对正交易费用条件下科斯定理的动态化。

    We study a two-sector economic growth model which is actually a dynamic application of Coase Theorem under the condition that transaction costs are positive .