
Qiū jǐn
  • Qiu Jin; Woman revolutionary, executed by the Manchus
  1. 李清照与秋瑾悲剧人生之比较

    Literary Comparisons of Li Qingzhao and QIU Jin 's Life Tragedy

  2. 秋瑾文体革新理论与实践考论

    A Study of QIU Jing 's Style-innovating Theory and Practice

  3. 始信英雄亦有雌&秋瑾革命英雄意识的心理动力探源

    Probing into the psychic strength of Qiu Jin ′ s revolutionary heroic consciousness

  4. 民间舆论与秋瑾案问题及其他&答马自毅教授

    Public Opinions , Qiu Jin Case and Other Problems-replying to Prof. MA Ziyi

  5. 秋瑾主持大通学堂的校务,为皖浙起义培训了一批骨干。

    Qiujin trained one batch of backbones for Anhui-Zhejiang uprising when she managed Datong school .

  6. 秋瑾死前没有供词是秋瑾冤案的一个焦点。

    Having no confession is a focus of Qiu Jins unjust case before her death .

  7. 秋瑾自号鉴湖女侠,她是个充满爱心的人。

    Qiu Jin , the heroine of Jianhu Lake , is a lady of great love .

  8. 秋瑾就是其时英雌文学实践和社会实践的典型代表。

    Qiu Jin is a good representative of " heroine " in literature and social practices .

  9. 秋瑾不仅是近代史上一位杰出的女革命家,更是近代妇女解放的先驱。

    Qiujin was not only an outstanding female revolutionist but also a forerunner of women 's liberation in modern history .

  10. 摘要秋瑾是我国近代史上杰出的资产阶级女革命家,也是一位颇有见地的教育家。

    Qiu Jin is an outstanding woman revolutionary of capitalist class in modem history of our country , and she is also an educationist with insight .

  11. 作为“歌体诗”的重要代表作家,秋瑾的“歌体诗”实践有力推进了近代诗歌的体式变革。

    Being a significant representative writer of " song form poetry ", Qiu Jins practice in this respect gives vigorous impetus to the transformation of the form of modern poems and songs .

  12. 1904-1907年,主要表现为一批新知识女性群体对体育的自我觉悟,其中尤以秋瑾为代表;

    The second stage , from 1904 to 1907 , the main characteristic was that a batch of China professional women became aware of sports themselves . The representative was Qiu Jin .