
qiū hǎi táng
  • begonia;flower of begonia;Begonia evansiania
秋海棠 [qiū hǎi táng]
  • (1) [begonia]∶多年生草本植物,地下茎球形,叶子斜卵形,叶背和叶柄带紫红色,花淡红色。供观赏

  • (2) [flower of begonia]∶这种植物的花

秋海棠[qiū hǎi táng]
  1. 朝鲜人仍佩戴着不朽领袖的徽章,为金正日歌功颂德,甚至不忘打理他们的金正日花(Kimjongilia)一位痴迷的植物学家培育的一种杂交秋海棠。

    North Koreans still wear Eternal Leader badges , sing songs in praise of Kim Jong-il , and even tend to their Kimjongilia , a hybrid begonia created by a doting botanist .

  2. 五种秋海棠属花卉的同工酶谱分析。

    The isoenzymes zymogram analysis of five species flowers of Begonia spp.

  3. 本文叙述竹节秋海棠(BegoniaPresident-Carnot)的器官培养与植株再生。

    This paper reports the organ culture and plantlets regeneration of Begonia President-Carnot .

  4. 云南秋海棠属叶表皮及毛被的扫描电镜观察

    Observation of Leaf Epidermis and Its Hair of Begonia from Yunnan

  5. 湿度对变色秋海棠植株生长的调节作用

    Regulatory effects of humidity on plant growth phase in Begonia versicolor

  6. 帝王秋海棠愈伤组织的诱导和植株再生。

    Callus induction and Plantlet Regeneration of Begonia imperialis lem .

  7. 广西秋海棠属植物种质资源的调查与收集

    Investigation and collection of germplasm of genus Begonia in Guangxi

  8. 蟆叶秋海棠组织培养一次成苗试验

    TESTING Direct Plantlet Formation of Begonia rex by Tissue Culture

  9. 野生盾叶秋海棠引种驯化及应用研究

    Study on Introduction and Domestication of Wild Begonia cavaleriei and Its Application

  10. 竹节秋海棠离体快繁技术研究

    A research of rapid propagation technique of Begonia coccinea in vitro culture

  11. 裂叶秋海棠组织培养及植株再生研究

    Study on Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Begonia palmata D. Don

  12. 云南东南部秋海棠属侧膜组一新种

    A new species of Begonia ( Begoniaceae ) from SE Yunnan , China

  13. 杂交的秋海棠,有块茎状根和各种颜色的花。

    Any of numerous hybrid begonias having tuberous roots and variously colored flowers .

  14. 秋海棠属植物的引种栽培及繁殖技术研究

    Study on Introduction , Cultivation and Propagation of Begonia

  15. 竹节秋海棠的组织培养与液培快速繁殖

    Rapid propagation of Begonia President-Carnot by static liquid culture

  16. 半耐寒性多年生种子包括大丽花,天竺葵,大丁草和球根秋海棠。

    Half-hardy perennials include dahlia , geranium , gerbera , and tuberous begonia .

  17. 一种没有根状茎或块茎而有须根的秋海棠。

    Any of numerous begonias having fibrous rather than tuberous or rhizomatous roots .

  18. 云南八种秋海棠属植物的染色体数目

    Chromosome Numbers of Eight Taxa of Begonia from Yunnan

  19. 具有块茎状根的各种秋海棠属植物。

    Any of numerous begonias having large tuberous roots .

  20. 斑叶竹节秋海棠微繁殖的研究。

    Study on Micropropagation of Begonia macuiata radd .

  21. 秋海棠新品种‘紫叶’、‘紫柄’和‘大裂’

    New Begonia Varieties ' Purple Leaf ',' Purple Petiole ' and ' Dalie '

  22. 结论:这些特征可作为中华秋海棠根茎鉴别的依据。

    Conclusion : The characteristics can be used to differentiate the rhizome of Begonia sinensis .

  23. 高压静电场对蟆叶秋海棠愈伤组织生长的效应

    Effect of High Voltage Electrostatic Field ( HVEF ) on Callus Growth of Begonia rex

  24. 铁十字秋海棠试管快速繁殖

    Rapid propagation of iron - cross Begonia

  25. 一群羊闯进了花园,踩倒了他的秋海棠。

    A flock of sheep had got into the garden and trampled down his begonias .

  26. 云南秋海棠属植物小志

    Notes on the Genus Begonia from Yunnan

  27. 天,你吃了我的秋海棠!

    You ate my begonias ! God !

  28. 秋海棠新品种&‘白王’、‘银珠’和‘热带女’

    New Begonia Varieties & ' White King ',' Silvery Pearl ' and ' Tropical Girl '

  29. 南非的一种秋海棠,有块茎或半块茎,叶卵形、有浅裂片,开白色的小花。

    Tuberous or semi-tuberous South African begonia having shallowly lobed ovate leaves and small white flowers .

  30. 本文研究蟆叶秋海棠将叶片切成小块,采用水培和砂培的方法均可大大提高繁殖系数。

    This paper reports the method for in vitro propagation of in vitro propagation of Begonia rex .