- 网络SST;Ward;Sum of squares;Devsq;Sumofsquares

Ward method used from the meteorological factors can be grouped into two categories , quality of tobacco can be grouped into two categories .
Application of Comprehensive Weight Method Based on Sum of Squares of Deviations in Evaluation of Water-saving Reconstruction Project in Irrigation District
Ordination and classification of the life form of plant community were done by principle component analysis ( PCA ) and systemic cluster analysis .
Static problem minimizing the square deviation of job completion times under SLK due-dates
Make use of the Principal Component Analysis Method to make sure of the principal component , through dealing with 15 indexes by the DPS data processing system , and then make use of the Clustering Analysis to carry on the dividing zone for the agriculture irrigation .
Four of them , sum of squares of new cluster , variance of new cluster , average distance of new cluster and weighted average distance were applied to the classification of dry grasslands in Hopsten , Germany .
The Application of Derivate Square in Designing the Structure of MIS
Ward 's method and subfunction method were suitable for the evaluation or classification of waterlogging-tolerance of barley germplasm .
The Modified Hierarchical classification Method is used to divide seismic active periods of Northern China in this paper .
Adopted Sum of Deviation of Square to clustered ecological species groups , and thus divided 48 grasshopper species into 3 main category , 12 ecological species groups .
From the results of cluster analyses , the lower subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests on Hong gong Island were divided into three sub-types and seven formations ( Fig. 1 ) .
Based on the results from cluster analysis of 14 characters with random small sample by computerization , ward method was chosen as the best one for establishing sesame core collection .
The results showed that the changeable average-linkage method , the sum of squared deviation method , changeable method , average-linkage method and furthest-neighbour method were well in correspondence with the conventional classification method .
By making an analysis of different relations of distance , method of gravity center , method of mean value of class and method of sum of squares of deviations are compared in this paper .
According square sum of deviations ( Ward ) cluster analysis , we divide the 10 sampling plots into 6 types , the dominant plants in different plots varied with the changing of environmental gradients .
The key step in frequency analysis is curve-fit analysis and area balance . The first selection of curve-fit analysis is the mathematical analysis method of deviation square and criterion and relative deviation square and criterion .
This paper infer a series of recursive equation based on lease square estimation in order to reduce computing amount , include recurrence equation of regression coefficient , total dispersion square sum , residual square sum , regression square sum etc.
The results showed that there were 23 pandas in the reserve and the ecological density in bamboo forests was 0 439 giant pandas / km 2.The population could be divided into four age groups with the Sum of Square Method .
The results of cluster analysis with sum of squares for protein quality traits and starch quality traits showed that 100 wheat varieties can be divided into four groups with different characteristics , which could afford reference in wheat quality breeding .
The results indicate that the Ward 's hierarchical classification method is better than the others during this classification . The whole region was divided into 5 eco economic regions and 8 sub regions by using this method , and the results was good and objective .
Then , we can get some mean value , such as sum of absolute value of deviations and sum of squares of deviations and NSE for 49 towns of Fujian ' 9 cities mentioned above .