
  • 网络emerald
  1. 这顶王冠镶有11颗梨形祖母绿宝石、宝石总重量达到500克拉。

    It has a row of 11 polished pear-shaped emeralds , totaling 500 carats .

  2. 这顶由钻石和祖母绿宝石镶嵌的王冠是1900年的时候,德国王子吉多·亨克尔·冯·多纳斯马为其第二任妻子瑞典公主凯塔琳娜定制的。

    The diamond-and-emerald confection was commissioned by German prince Guido Henckel von Donnersmarck for his second wife Katharina around 1900 .

  3. 盖拉德丽尔说完从裙兜里取出一枚镶着纯净的大祖母绿宝石的银饰针,其状若展翅高飞的的雄鹰。

    Then she lifted from her lap a great stone of a clear green , set in a silver brooch that was wrought in the likeness of an eagle with outspread wings ;