
  • 【地】phosphorite deposit
  1. 采用测定近似功指数的简化试验方法,对贵州织金新华磷块岩矿床下矿层含稀土磷矿石的球磨可磨性进行了测定,得到该矿石的功指数约为16.16kWh/t。

    The grindability of ball milling of phosphate ore bearing rare earths was determined by using a simplified test method of determing approximate work index . The work index of the ore was about 16.16kWh/t .

  2. 滇东磷块岩矿床中磷灰石的富集特征

    The enrichment characteristics of apatite from phosphorites in East Yunnan

  3. 湘西磷块岩矿床特征及勘查开发建议

    The traits of phosphor block rock deposits and proposal on its survey and exploitation

  4. 最后总结了沉积型磷块岩矿床找矿地质前提及找矿标志。

    At last , the sedimentary phosphate rock deposits in the geological exploration and prospecting premise signs .

  5. 扬子西区早寒武世磷块岩矿床形成的地质背景

    Geological setting in which EARLY CAMBRIAN PHOSPHORITE deposits formed in the west region of the Yangtze Platform

  6. 福泉磨坊磷块岩矿床是贵州瓮福磷矿的八大矿段之一。

    Mofang phosphorite deposit in Fuquan is one of the main ore blocks of Wengfu phosphorite deposit .

  7. 白登磷矿是我国重要的浅海相磷块岩矿床,而青龙哨磷矿是我国重要的陆相磷块岩矿床。

    The Baideng phosphorite deposit is of shallow-sea facies ; while the Qinglongshao phosphorite belongs to continental facies .

  8. 湘西地区磷矿资源较丰富,主要为赋存于震旦系上统陡山沱组中的磷块岩矿床。

    Affluent P-ore resources in west Hunan occurred mainly in phosphor block rock deposit of Doushantuo Group Upper Sinian System .

  9. 贵州瓮安沉积磷块岩矿床地质特征与成因初探

    A primary researches on the geological features and cause of formation of sedimentary phosphorite deposits in Weng'an county , guizhou Province

  10. 息烽磷矿是黔中元古代震旦纪陡山沱期磷块岩矿床的重要组成部分。

    The phosphorus reserves in Xifeng are a main composition of phosphorus rock deposit formed during the Sinian Period in the center of Guizhou .

  11. 磷块岩矿床中磷与放射性元素铀之间存在着共生组合关系。这是应用航空伽玛能谱测量普查磷矿的前提。

    An association relation occurs between the phosphor in phosphorite deposit and radioactive element uranium , that is the foundation for application of gamma-spectrometric survey to the prospecting of phosphor deposit .

  12. 海相沉积型磷块岩矿床主要形成于早寒武世,受南面和西面海水侵入影响最大、侵入距离最近的已知含磷地区可作为磷块岩矿床重点研究靶区;

    The marine sedimentary P deposit mainly formed in Early Cambrian Period , the known P bearing areas , where were effected most by the sea water intrusion from South and West , where the intrusive distance were the shortest can be studied as the important phosphorite deposits areas ;

  13. 滇东磷块岩及工业磷矿床成因

    The phosphorites and genesis of industrial P deposits in East Yunnan

  14. 风化磷块岩也是一种矿床类型,它有别于原生磷块岩矿床,有关风化磷块岩矿床勘探的一系列问题,应当进行研究。

    The weathered phosphorite is a new kind of P deposit different from the primary P deposit . A series of problems related to the exploration of the weathered phosphorite ore deposit must be studied .

  15. 富磷杂岩体为超人型磷块岩矿床的形成提供了成矿物质,也为成油生物群的繁殖提供了矿物养料,从而为形成超大型油气、油页岩矿床创造了物质条件。

    The phosphorus-rich complexes provided not only minerogenic materials for the formation of supergiant phosphorite deposits , but also mineral nutrients for the propagation of oil-forming biota , thus creating material prerequisite for the formation of supergiant oil-gas and oil shale deposits .

  16. 华南震旦纪和寒武纪磷块岩沉积环境探讨我国南方晚震旦世&早寒武世磷块岩矿床的沉积古地理特征初探

    Preliminary investigation of the paleogeographical sedimentary features of the phosphate deposits from later Sinian to Early Cambrian times , south China