
cí chǎnɡ qiánɡ dù
  • magnetic field intensity;strength of the magnetic field
  1. MDA含量随磁场强度的增大而下降;

    MDA content decreased and the activities of SOD and POD increased with the increase of magnetic field intensity .

  2. 此外,工程师运用HFSS和DesignerRF在不同的保护设计中进行全波磁场强度的研究。

    Additionally , engineers use HFSS and Designer RF to conduct full-wave magnetic field intensity studies on various shielding designs .

  3. 在试验中,采用自主研制的磁水器,选用两个磁化参数:磁场强度(B)、水流速度(V)。

    They are : magnetic field strength ( B ), current velocity ( V ) .

  4. 关于磁场强度H的教学

    Teaching of Magnetic Field Intensity

  5. 使用ANSYS有限元软件分析并给出了超磁致伸缩棒上磁场强度的分布情况和驱动器在线性区工作的电流要求。

    Based on software ANSYS , distribution of magnetic field and request of work current are given .

  6. 研究表明:磁化处理后,水的PH值与磁场强度呈多极值曲线关系;

    Results show that : After magnetic treatment , the water PH value and the magnetic field intensity assumes the multiple-valued curve relates .

  7. 考察了各种反应条件,如离子浓度、反应时间、磁场强度以及pH值对钠基蒙脱石吸附Cu2+量的影响。

    The effects of reaction conditions on Cu ~ ( 2 + ) adsorption content such as concentration , time , pH value , were researched .

  8. 由于变压器铁磁材料的作用,磁感应强度B和磁场强度H呈非线性关系,这也是变压器空载合闸时产生较大励磁涌流的主要原因。

    Because of ferromagnetic elements , magnetic induction B and magnetic field H is non-linear , which is the main cause that high inrush current occur during the transformer energisation .

  9. 测量了取向(110)的n型锗单晶在0&7000高斯范围内弱场磁阻随磁场强度和温度变化的关系;

    For single crystal of n-type Ge with orientation ( 110 ), the relation of magneto-resistance in weak field with respect to magnetic intensity in range 0-7000 gauss and temperature variation are measured .

  10. 在磁流变液软起动装置当中,输出的物理量为扭矩。要计算它的扭矩,首先需要找出其主要参数-屈服剪切应力τy和外磁场强度H之间的关系。

    In order to calculate the torque , the relationship between main parameter of MRF-yield stress τ y and intensity of magnetic field MRP subjected to have to be carried out first .

  11. 处于永磁铁磁极之间的磁工质其内部的磁场强度H由磁铁工作点,工质形状,以及工质温度等多种因素决定。

    The magnetic field intensity of a magnetic working substance located in the gap of permanent magnet is determined by working point of the magnet , the shape and temperature of the working substance .

  12. 我们认为这可能与小尺度空间内spike辐射源区的等离子体密度出现短时标的波动及磁场强度的起伏有关。

    We think it is related to the fluctuations of the plasma density and the magnetic field of the source region in a small space scale .

  13. 推导出磁场强度H与磁介质无关的充要条件,获得了一种计算有介质存在时磁感应强度B分布的简单方法。

    The necessary and sufficient condition of the irrelevance between magnetic field intensity and magnetic medium is deduced , and a new method for calculating the distribution of magnetic induction intensity at the existence of magnetic medium is introduced .

  14. 影响HPAM溶液磁增黏效果的因素依次为聚合物浓度、磁场强度和峰数。

    With the increases of HPAM concentration , magnetic field density and pulse number , the increment of the viscosity increases .

  15. MRS的附加动态剪切应力(△τ)与分散介质浓度、外加磁场强度呈正比例关系;

    Exhibited dynamic shear stress of the MRS induced by external magnetic field is in direct-ratio relation with strength of external magnetic field and concentration of the filled clusters in the MRS.

  16. 采用磁化絮凝高梯度磁分离方法处理城市污水,研究了磁种用量、磁场强度、混凝剂用量、污水pH值和流速等工艺参数对除磷效果的影响。

    Urban sewage is treated by magnetic flocculation and high gradient magnetic separation . The technical parameters such as magnetic feed dosage , magnetic field intensity , coagulating agent dosage , pH value and flow velocity are investigated .

  17. 然而,这种类型的即刻效应仅在磁场强度超过8T时才可能发生。

    However , these types of acute effects are only likely within fields in excess of8 T.

  18. 原因在于这种介质违反常规介质的特性:介质中的电场强度E、磁场强度H、波矢量K三者之间呈左手关系。

    The reason is that the characteristics of this kind medium violate the rules of conventional medium . In this medium , the electric field intensity , the magnetic field intensity and the wave vector quantity assume the left hand relations .

  19. 随着取向磁场强度的逐渐增加,磁体剩磁Br及矫顽力bHc增加较大但其内禀矫顽力iHc则基本不变;

    As alignment magnetic field increases , the remanence and coercivity bHc of bonded magnet tend to increase significantly while the coercivity iHc is almost unchanged .

  20. 考虑到MR阻尼器的屈服应力可以在一定的范围内通过改变阻尼器的磁场强度连续变化,提出了基于最优控制理论的半主动实时控制策略。进行了基于MR阻尼器的海洋平台半主动控制技术研究。

    Considering that the yielding stress of the MR liquid can be changed continuously by adjusting the magnetic intensity in a certain range , an optimal control theory based semi-active control strategy is proposed and the effectiveness of the MR damper on offshore platform is illustrated by simulation techniques .

  21. GZO薄膜具有较强的磁阻效应,磁阻随磁场强度和薄膜迁移率的增大而增大。

    GZO film has strong magnetoresistance . The reluctance increased with the increases of magnetic field strength and Hall mobility .

  22. 两种情况下GMM的磁场强度&应变关系都是回线特性,利用传感系统的电流输入信号与输出电平的关系通过数据重建,求得了这些回线关系。

    In the two conditions magnetic field strength & strain relation of GMM appeared hysteresis loop character . The loop curve was obtained by computer reconstruction of input current and output signal data .

  23. 直径16cm圆电磁线圈通以直流电流3A,在距线圈表面不同距离及距中线轴不同距离点的磁场强度。

    The value of magnetic field was measured at different distance to the electromagnetic coil and axon of median line of diameter 16 cm flowing direct current 3 A.

  24. 以地磁场强度矢量的模为观测量,将Unscented卡尔曼滤波(UKF)用于近地卫星的磁测自主导航。

    The unscented Kalman filter ( UKF ) was applied for geomagnetism autonomous navigation in LEO satellite in this paper when the magnitude of the geomagnetic field vector was served as observed value .

  25. 当脉动幅度与平均磁场强度之比为有限值时,在一般情况下,控制方程中的非线性项不能略去,因而不能用WKB解来描述有限振幅脉动幅度的径向变化。

    When the amplitude of the fluctuation is finite with respect to the average magnetic field intensity , the nonlinear terms in the garvening equations can not be droped and the WKB aproxima-tion fails .

  26. 基于所研究的衰变道,为BESⅢ电磁量能器晶体BGO和CsI的选择及磁场强度的选择提供了数据。

    Based on the study of this J / ψ radiative decay channel , it provides us some useful data for the selection of crystal BGO or CsI of electromagnetic calorimeter and for the selection of magnetic field intensity .

  27. 方法:用磁场强度为52mT的稳恒磁场作用于小鼠,每天2次,每次2h,10d后检测微核率和血象分析。

    Methods : 52 mT static magnetic fields were used , in a frequency of twice every day for two hour each time . After 10 days the micronuclei rate of mouse bone marrow and blood cell were determined .

  28. 上部线圈电流从100A增加到400A时,结晶器上部磁场强度随电流强度增加从0.2T增加到0.3T以上。

    When the current of upper coil increases to 400 A from 200 A , the magnetic field intensity in upper mold increases to more than 0.3 T from 0.2 T.

  29. 设计并制作了脉冲磁体,其均匀区的直径为20mm,长为43mm;磁场强度为8特斯拉。

    A pulsed magnet was designed and manufactured , which can generate a uniform magnetic field , 20 mm in diameter , 43 mm in length and 8 tesla in magnetic flux density .

  30. 100K低温下,InSb在磁场强度为0.2T左右达到饱和后的辐射功率,比室温下没有磁场作用时要增强至少两个数量级、甚至更多。

    The saturation radiation power from the InSb surface under a 0.2 T magnetic field at 100 K is at least two orders of magnitude higher than that without a magnetic field at room temperature .