
shí ɡāo bēnɡ dài
  • plaster bandage/cast
  1. 病人的断腿用石膏绷带固定着。

    The patient 's broken leg was secured with plaster bandage .

  2. 石膏绷带有利于治好断骨。

    The plaster cast will help to heal the broken bone .

  3. 石膏绷带加压包扎在治疗头皮血肿中的疗效观察

    Application of Scalp Hematoma with Plaster Bandage

  4. 粘胶型石膏绷带半水石膏含量测定方法的探讨

    A Discussion on the Concentration Assay for Hemihydrate Gypsum in Plaster of Paris Bandage-Viscose Form

  5. 采用聚氨酯绷带替代普通石膏绷带固定能有效地减少躯干石膏综合征的发生率。

    The application of polyurethane bandage instead of ordinary plaster can effectively decrease incidence of body cast syndrome .

  6. 灯具品种、功率与设置量可依病人石膏绷带固定的种类与范围及耐受力来选择。

    Type , power and parameters of the lamp are selected according to the type and area of plaster bandage fixation and patient 's tolerance .

  7. 随文附图,他经常弹吉他的右手上缠着石膏绷带,左手绑着悬带。

    An accompanying picture shows his right hand , with which he usually plays his guitar , in a plaster cast and his other arm in a sling .

  8. 用8字棉纱绷带、8字石膏绷带外固定有较高比率的畸形愈合,而8字树脂绷带外固定者大部分获解剖位或近解剖位愈合。

    " 8 " cotton yarn bandage and " 8 " gypsum bandage for external fixation could achieve higher percentage of malunion but " 8 " resin bandages could achieve anatomic part or proximal anatomic part healing .

  9. 想一下:手术后的头两周,我的右膝下会装上一个特大的石膏绷带;这个石膏绷带的“脚”如此之大,以至连瑜伽裤或者摩洛哥睡衣也无法将它包裹起来。

    Consider : the first two weeks after surgery I had an enormous plaster cast just below my right knee ; a cast with a " foot " so large not even yoga trousers or Moroccan pyjamas could surmount its edges .