
shí kū
  • grotto;cave;rock cave
石窟 [shí kū]
  • (1) [grotto]∶古时一种就着山崖开凿成的寺庙建筑,内有佛像或佛教故事的壁画和石刻等

  • 敦煌石窟

  • 云岗石窟

  • (2) [cave]∶山岩上的洞

石窟[shí kū]
  1. 汉地佛教石窟造像研究

    The Research on the Buddhism Rock Cave Statue in Central Plains

  2. 剑川石窟档案文献资源的开发利用

    Exploitation and Utilization of Rock Cave Resources in Jianchuan

  3. 该石窟目前不可进入。

    The grotto is not accessible at present .

  4. 中国丝绸古道上的敦煌莫高窟内的壁画是世界最长的石窟画廊。窟内有壁画45,000余平方米。

    The painted murals in the Dunhuang Grottoes along the ancient Silk Road in China form the world 's longest painted corridor , with a total of 45,000 square metres of painted murals .

  5. 《敦煌莫高窟的石窟寺:丝绸之路上的艺术与历史》(CaveTemplesofMogaoatDunhuang:ArtandHistoryontheSilkRoad,盖蒂保护研究所出版)。

    A more scholarly account of Dunhuang is " Cave Temples of Mogao at Dunhuang : Art and History on the Silk Road , " by Roderick and Susan Whitfield and Neville Agnew ( Getty Conservation Institute ) .

  6. 马蹄寺旅游景区是国家4A级旅游景区,是省级森林公园,景区内有全国重点文物保护单位马蹄寺石窟群。

    Mati Temple is the national4A tourist attraction and the provincial forest park , where have Mati Temple Grottoes , which are the important heritage site under state protection .

  7. 为了解云冈石窟大气中粉尘污染的现状,用X射线衍射、扫描电镜(EDAX)和显微镜对大气中粉尘的主要物质成分进行了分析。

    To know the current status of airborne pollution in Yungang Grottoes , main substantial composition of the deposition of airborne particles is analyzed by means of XRD , SEM ( EDAX ) , and microscope .

  8. 布莱萨克:早在1909年,华纳就盯上了河南的龙门石窟,但他当时没法拿到波士顿美术馆(MuseumofFineArts)的资金去进行发掘,他当时在那家展览馆工作。

    Ms. Brysac : Warner had had his eye on the Longmen caves in Henan Province since 1909 , but he had been unable to obtain funding from the Museum of Fine Arts , Boston , where he was then working , to explore them .

  9. 洛杉矶盖蒂中心(GettyCenter)将在2016年5月举办敦煌石窟展,可以作为旅行的一次理想的准备工作(或以防你无法前往敦煌)。展览中有三个手绘的敦煌石窟复制品;

    As excellent preparation ( or in case you cannot go ) the Getty Center in Los Angeles is opening an exhibition on the Dunhuang caves in May 2016 that will feature three hand-painted replicas of caves at Dunhuang ;

  10. 我们无畏的引领者是米米·加德纳·盖茨(MimiGardnerGates)。她是一位中国艺术专家,曾任西雅图美术馆(SeattleArtMuseum)馆长,为我们前来参观的这座石窟募集保护资金。

    Our intrepid leader , Mimi Gardner Gates , a specialist in Chinese art and the former director of the Seattle Art Museum , raises funds to support the preservation of what we had come to see : the Dunhuang caves where delicate ,

  11. 石窟分类及其地学特征分析

    The Classification of Grottoes and an Analysis of Its Geoscience Features

  12. 敦煌石窟早期密教状况研究

    A Study on the Early Esoteric Buddhism Situations in Dunhuang Grottoes

  13. 石窟壁画的材料表现与岩彩画的探讨

    A Probe on Material in Grotto Fresco and Colorful Rock Paintings

  14. 敦煌石窟艺术元数据标准的设计及实现

    The Design and Realization of Metadata Standard for Dunhuang Grottoes Art

  15. 到目前为止还没有对石窟文化的游客满意度研究。

    So far there is no researches on the caves Culture .

  16. 流失海外响堂山石窟造像新识

    The Losing Statues From The Xiangtangshan Grottoes in A New Light

  17. 克孜尔石窟本生壁画之时空背景考

    Time and Space Background of the Development of the Kizil Grotto

  18. 这一结论对保护和维护石窟稳定性具有实际参考意义。

    The conclusion is useful to protecting and maintaining the grottoes .

  19. 西域佛教石窟寺中的音乐造型

    Music Model of the Buddhist Cave Temples in the Western Regions

  20. 试论龙门石窟舞蹈雕像的中原风格

    The Mid-China Style of the Dancing Sculptures in Longmen Grottoes

  21. 试论我国早期石窟艺术的民族特色

    On the National Characteristics of Early Grotto Art In China

  22. 敦煌石窟壁画色彩研究

    A Study on the Color of Dunhuang Cave 's Murals

  23. 浅论大足石窟的艺术特色

    Discussion on the Characters of the Art in Dazu Grotto

  24. 渗水对龙门石窟的影响及治理分析

    Influence of Water Permeation and Analysis of Treatment for the Longmen Grottoes

  25. 对敦煌石窟的研究又叫敦煌学。

    The study of Dunhuang Grottoes are known as dunhuangology .

  26. 它是我国早期开凿的石窟之一。

    It is also among the earliest excavated Chinese grottoes .

  27. 广元石窟位于四川省北部广元市。

    GuangYuan grottoes lies in the north of Sichuan Province .

  28. 这一特征贯穿了云冈石窟造像的始终。

    This feature runs through the statues of the Yungang Grottoes always .

  29. 洛阳龙门石窟围岩风化特征研究

    Study on weathering characteristics of surrounding rock in Longmen cavern

  30. 大气污染对云冈石窟的风化侵蚀及防护对策

    The Erosion of Yungang Grottoes by Air Pollution and its Protection Countermeasures