
  • 网络petrochemical feedstock;petrochemical materials
  1. 开好加氢裂化装置增产中间馏分油和石油化工原料

    Improving the operration of hydrocracking units to produce more middle distillate and petrochemical feedstock

  2. 介绍了炼油过程中多产石油化工原料的有关工艺技术,从化学结构转化角度阐明了理论依据。

    The production technologies for multiple petrochemical raw materials were introduced with the theoretical mechanism explained by conversion of chemical structures in the refining process .

  3. 常压储罐是储装原油、中间产品和成品油等石油化工原料及产品的重要储存设备。

    The atmospheric pressure storage tank filled in crude oil , intermediate petrochemical product , raw material and finished oil product is an important storage device .

  4. 世界范围内原油重质化和劣质化速度的日益加剧以及对轻质油品和石油化工原料需求量的不断增长扩大了原油资源供应与石油产品需求之间的矛盾关系。

    Crude oil is becoming heavier and lower-quality worldwide and the demand for petrochemical feedstock and light oil is growing rap-idly . The contradictory relationship between crude oil resources supply and demand for petroleum products are continuous expanding .

  5. 今后必须改进原料质量,加强工艺与设备管理,实现生产装置安全、稳定,长周期运行,最大限度增产中间馏分油和石油化工原料。

    Accordingly , the quality of hydrocracking feedstock should be improved , the manage - ment of processing and equipments should be strengthened to realize safe , steady and long - period operation and to maximize the production of middle distillate and petrochemical feed - stock .

  6. 我国石油化工基础原料生产用催化剂的现状

    Current status of china 's catalysts for production of basic petrochemical materials

  7. 乙二醇(简称EG)是一种具有非常重要战略意义的石油化工基础有机原料,主要用于生产聚酯纤维、防冻剂等行业,用途十分广泛。

    As the significant strategic and organic basic bulky raw materials , ethylene glycol ( EG ) is used extensively in Petroleum Chemical , mainly in the production of polyester fiber and antifreeze and other industries .

  8. 介绍了由合成气为原料制取甲醇、乙醇、乙二醇等产品的方法,指出了合成气是石油化工的新原料。

    The article has introduced the method such as methanol , ethanol , ethylene glycol , pointing out synthol is the new raw material of oildom .

  9. 壬基酚作为精细石油化工的重要原料和中间体,在国外发展较快,国内尚处于起步阶段。

    Being an important raw material and intermediate in the fine petrochemicals industry , nonyl phenol has been developing at a relatively fast pace in foreign countries .

  10. 本公司是一家专业经营,销售及生产的美孚石油,化工有机原料的厂家,致力于各种溶剂的研发,推广。

    The Company is a professional business , sales and production of Mobil Oil , organic chemical raw material manufacturers , committed to the development of various solvents to promote .

  11. 储罐是港口、油库和石油化工行业储备原料油、液体化工原料及其产品的专用设备,其安全问题受到了人们的广泛关注。

    In port , oil depot and petrochemical industry , tank is the special equipment of storing raw oil , liquid chemical material , and chemical products , the safety issue of tank is a significant event .

  12. 石油作为重要的化工原料和能源物资,关系到世界各国的经济命脉。

    Oil as an important kind of chemical raw materials and energy supplies , relates to theworld economy .

  13. 石油是重要的化工原料和战略资源,是国民经济各部门运行的能源保障。

    Oil is an important chemical raw materials and strategic resources , which is regarded as energy security in supporting the national economy sectors running normally .

  14. 目前世界石油资源短缺,迫切需要发展C1化学来解决未来石油化工原料替代及提供清洁燃料问题。

    Presently , petroleum resource is short in the world . It is urgent to develop C1 chemistry for substituting the feedstock of petroleum chemical and supplying clean fuel both in the chains of technology and industry .

  15. 石油焦与煤具有相似的组成,将石油焦气化用作化工原料,具有较好的社会和经济效益。

    Composition of petroleum coke is similar to that of coal , so , it is a good method to gasify petroleum coke to produce chemical raw material .

  16. 石油天然气行业作为基础性产业,对其下游的石油化工、化学原料制品、交通运输设备制造和交通运输等行业,乃至整个国民经济都有很强的关联效应。

    Due to its basic status , the oil and natural gas industry has a strong correlation effect on downstream ones , such as petrochemical industry , chemical raw materials products , transportation equipment manufacturing as well as transport sectors , and even the entire national economy .

  17. 重点在生产为增强环境意识的石油产品及由此带来新技术的研究和开发,包括炼油工艺和为石油化工提供基本原料的技术,原油深度加工与石油化工一体化的共生技术等。

    Highlights are given to the manufacturing of enviromental enhanced petroleum products and hence the related RD activities including new refining technologies , deep conversion of crude oil , production of petrochemical basic materials and the integration of refining with petrochemical processes .

  18. 与此同时,世界石油化工市场依然继续保持着需求旺盛、供应相对紧张态势,并由此支持着主要石油化工基础原料和产品价格稳居高位水平。

    Meanwhile , world petrochemical market still kept the situation of vigorous demand and relatively tight supply , thus supporting prices of major basic petrochemical feedstock and petrochemicals to stay at high level steadily .