
  • 网络Dean Shek;Tean Shek;Dean Shek Tin;SLCSS
  1. 京子垛、雁翎刀、将军帽、过风崖、挂剑垛、悬石惊天、牛心垛等雄奇险峻,浑然天成。

    Beijing-alleyway Yanlingdao , caps , the wind stop and hang the sword alleyway hanging Danjingtian , bovine , Xiongqi precarious pile , unaware Tiancheng .

  2. 模型和模型加治疗组喂饲致石饲料30天,使金黄地鼠胆石症由其自然发生率50%提高到100%(P<0.05)。

    After 30 day , the natural formation rate of gallstone rose to 50 % ( contral group ), while model group , the formation rate was 100 % .

  3. 自密实堆石混凝土28d(天)的抗压强度可用预留自密实混凝土立方体试块的方法来控制。

    The cubic compressive strength of the self-compacting concrete can evaluate the 28 days compressive strength of RFC .

  4. 木匠石君有一天路过齐国一个叫曲辕的地方。

    A carpenter called Shijun someday passed by Quyuan , a place in the State of Qi .