
duǎn qī zhài wù
  • floating debt;quick liabilities
  1. 负债结构有明显的短期债务融资倾向;

    The structure in debt is obviously prone to floating debt financing ;

  2. 由于种种原因,我国的融资顺序表现为股权融资、短期债务融资、长期债务融资和内源融资。

    However , the preferred financing sequence in China is stock financing , floating debt financing , long-term debt financing and internal financing .

  3. 国际航空运输协会称,今年1月份,一般的航空公司都有足够的现金来支付50%到80%的短期债务和大约两个月的收入。

    In January the typical carrier had enough cash to cover between so % and 80 % of short-term liabilities and about two months of revenues , IATA says .

  4. 美联储(FederalReserve)昨日表示,将动用多至5400亿美元,用于向货币市场共同基金购买短期债务,以扶持美国金融体系的一大关键支柱。

    The US Federal Reserve yesterday said it would finance up to $ 540bn in purchases of short-term debt from money market mutual funds to shore up a key pillar of the US financial system .

  5. 这分析在3个月包括国民生产总值对外汇储备,相当数量进口对外汇储备,M2对国际储备和外汇储备到相当数量短期债务比率为中国和韩国。

    This analysis includes GDP to foreign exchange reserves , amount of imports in 3 months to foreign exchange reserves , M2 to international reserves , and foreign exchange reserves to amount of short-term debt ratio for China and Korea .

  6. 高盛公司(GoldmanSachs)估计,过去4年来,大宗商品支持贷款已经导致1100亿美元的外币涌入中国经济,这笔资金约占中国同期新增短期债务总额的三分之一。

    Goldman Sachs estimates that commodities-based lending has resulted in an inflow of $ 110 billion of foreign currency into the Chinese economy in the past four years , or about a third of all new short-term debt in China in that time .

  7. 实证结果表明,衡量公司资本结构的主要指标,例如总债务比例、长期债务比例、短期债务比例和公司绩效指标,如ROA和市值面值比附相关。

    The empirical results indicate that all measures of capital structure ( i.e. , the total debt ratio , the long-term debt ratio , and the short-term debt ratio ) are negatively related to the firm performance ( i.e. , the return on assets and the market-to-book ratio ) .

  8. 大多数银行仍有由政府担保的短期债务。

    Most banks still have short-term debt guaranteed by the government .

  9. 威瑞森将用现金和短期债务来为此次交易筹资。

    Verizon will fund the deal with cash and short-term debt .

  10. 一方面,这些经济体有必要削减对不稳定的短期债务的敞口。

    First , it is essential that they cut back exposure to flickering short-term debt .

  11. 短期债务手段的股市。

    A market for short-term debt instruments .

  12. 企业的债务期限结构是指企业的总负债中长期债务和短期债务的构成结构与所占比重。

    The debt maturity structure of firm is composing structure and proportion with different term debt .

  13. 任何一个理性的商界领导人都会利用这种时机,把短期债务变成长期债务。

    Any rational business leader would use a moment like this to term out its debt .

  14. 货币市场从事的是短期债务而资本市场从事的是长期债务和股票的交易。

    Money markets deal in short-term debts whereas capital markets deal in long-term debts and stocks .

  15. 资本票据企业发行作为短期债务来源的定息工具。

    Capital note fixed income products issued by companies as a source of short term debt .

  16. 一个原因是,政府债务大多为短期债务,市场会快速做出调整。

    One reason for this is that much government debt is short-term , and markets adjust quickly .

  17. 货币市场指所有为了短期债务融资工具的交易而设置的机构和程序。

    Money market refers to all institutions and procedures that provide for transactions in short_term debt instruments .

  18. 为了内生业务相关的外债使用而提高短期债务限额不会对中国国内的货币供应产生影响。

    Increase short-term debt quota for genuine trade related uses which are not affecting the monetary supply within China .

  19. 因此,我国公司短期债务比例偏高是企业和债权人在目前宏观环境下的博弈结果。

    Therefore , the large proportion of short-term debt is the result of game between companies and their creditors .

  20. 来宝在未来12个月有近30亿美元的短期债务必须偿还或再融资。

    Noble has almost $ 3bn of short-term debt it must repay or refinance over the next 12 months .

  21. 在外源融资中,股权融资所占比重又远远高于债权融资,即中国上市公司的融资顺序依次为股权融资、短期债务融资、长期债务融资和内源融资。

    Further more , the proportion of stock financing in external financing is even higher than that of debt financing .

  22. 短期债务变量只有对非政府控制的公司才具有显著缓解盈余负相关关系的作用。

    Short-term debt variable is only for non-government-controlled companies to alleviate the surplus was significant negative correlation between the role .

  23. 贴现票据是一种短期债务,一般受到评级较高的发行方(如政府机构)青睐。

    Discount notes are a form of short-term debt , typically favoured by highly rated issuers such as government agencies .

  24. 他们认为,如果需求上涨的话,自己能永远滚动短期债务或卖出抵押债券。

    They believed they could always roll over their short-term debts or sell their mortgage-backed securities , if the need arose .

  25. 货币市场交易的短期债务和资本市场交易与长期债务和偏好和股票。

    Money market deals with short term debt and capital market deals with long term debt and preference and equity shares .

  26. 在短期债务的管理分析中,主要从风险与成本两方面进行分析。

    In the analysis of current liabilities management , we analyzes mainly it from the two side of risk and cost .

  27. 流动比率企业履行短期债务责任能力的指标,计算方法为流动资产除以流动负债。

    Current ratio indicator of company 's ability to pay short-term obligations ; calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities .

  28. 进一步分析表明,企业成长性越高,其短期债务来源中商业信用所占比重越高。

    Further analysis indicates that the higher growth enterprises , the higher proportion of commercial credit in the source of short-term debt .

  29. 而且,财政部宣布了临时保险计划,以保护美国(短期债务票据)金融市场中的互助基金。

    Also , the Treasury Department has announced a temporary insurance program to protect money market mutual funds in the United States .

  30. 中国内地企业过去几年在美元债务市场大举借债,其中许多是短期债务。

    Mainland companies have borrowed heavily in the dollar debt markets over the past few years , much of it short term .