
  1. 产权界定与资产评估是知识产权担保融资的基本前提和环节。

    And property right affirmation and capital assessment are the basic premises and procedures of guaranteeing fund-circulation by IP .

  2. 知识产权担保融资可以为仅拥有知识产权和技术等无形资产,但是没有土地等传统不动产的新兴企业提供融资,以满足这些企业发展所需要的资金。

    Intellectual property rights of secured financing can help those emerging companies who have intangible property such as intellectual property and technology , but do not have land and other traditional real estate to finance to meet their development needs .

  3. 四是对知识产权担保的功能定位不清,忽略了知识产权的担保融资功能。

    Fourth , security is a function of intellectual property rights unclear , ignores the function of intellectual property rights of secured financing .