
  • 网络SLEEP;sleep mode;Sleeping Mode;sleep patterns;Doze Mode
  1. 同时,针对基于PSC的睡眠模式,设计了评估MS能量节省的通用理论分析模型。

    In addition , a universal theoretical analysis model to assess the saved energy is also designed for PSC-based sleep mode .

  2. 现在,科学家认为身体的觉醒和睡眠模式是一种双进程模型(two-processmodel)。

    Scientists now think that the body 's wakefulness and sleep mode is dictated by a two-process model .

  3. 我们的睡眠模式是心理健康的晴雨表。

    Our sleep pattern is a barometer to our psychological well-being .

  4. 应声明一点,不是每个人都有记录睡眠模式的设备;在这些国家中,可能只有最富有的人才有。

    It should be made clear that not everyone has a device to record their sleep patterns ; in some of these nations , it 's likely that only the richest people do .

  5. 在世界各地,由于夏时制的开始或结束,人们的睡眠模式也发生了改变。例如,在俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京从10月26日开始将国家永久性地改为永久冬令时后,俄罗斯人每天大约晚半个小时醒来。

    Around the world , people changed sleep patterns thanks to the start or end of daylight savings time , Russians , for example , began to wake up about a half-hour later each day after President Vladimir Putin shifted the country permanently to " winter time " starting on October 26 .

  6. 多米诺尼博士将相机放在筑巢箱里来追踪睡眠模式,他说睡眠不足可能对鸟类的健康有害。

    Dr Dominoni , who is putting cameras inside nesting boxes to track sleeping patterns , said lack of sleep could put the birds ' health at risk .

  7. 医学证据也支持这样的观点:每个人都有一个生物钟,帮助决定他或她的睡眠模式。

    Medical evidence also supports the idea that each person has a body clock that helps to decide his or her sleep pattern .

  8. 科学家会通过传感器定期查看团队的睡眠模式、社交互动和认知功能。

    They would regularly check the team 's sleeping patterns , social interactions , and cognitive .

  9. 心理学家表示,使用有限的假期时间会使人心生愤恨,睡眠模式也会被打乱,就像平时的飞行时差那样。

    Psychologists say that using limited holiday time can lead to resentment4 and your sleeping patterns are disrupted , just like normal jet lag .

  10. SocialJetLag指休假结束返回工作岗位时的倦怠感,主要是由睡眠模式的变化引起的,称为假后返工时差。

    Social jet lag refers to the feeling of being very tired when you return to work after a holiday , especially because of changes to your sleeping pattern .

  11. 更少的指令周期意味着CPU可以更多时间处于睡眠模式,从而进一步降低低功耗SiliconLabs器件的功耗。

    Fewer instruction cycles means the CPU can spend more time in sleep mode , further reducing the already low power consumption of Silicon Labs'devices .

  12. 如果在计算机进入睡眠模式时移动或单击鼠标,基于WindowsVista的计算机将不会从睡眠模式恢复。

    A Windows Vista-based computer does not resume from sleep mode if you move or click a USB mouse as the computer is entering sleep mode .

  13. 包含射频功能的Soc芯片通常具有多种工作模式,如正常工作模式、睡眠模式、待机模式等。

    System on a chip ( Soc ) which contains RF function commonly have multimode , such as normal mode 、 sleep mode 、 stand by mode .

  14. 当您将使用PCI-E图形设备的基于WindowsVista的计算机从睡眠模式唤醒时,该计算机可能会停止响应。

    A Windows Vista-based computer that uses a PCI-E graphics device may stop responding when you wake the computer from sleep .

  15. 传感器节点闲置侦听网络是导致能量浪费的主要原因,许多典型的MAC协议采用使无线设备处于低功率的睡眠模式的方法来节省能源。

    The idle listening of sensor nodes is the major cause of energy waste . Many typical MAC protocols are designed to save power by placing the radio in the low-power sleep mode .

  16. 如果MS使用了不连续接收,DRX参数将和IMSI一起来指明当一个MS是在非睡眠模式能接收寻呼请求。

    If the MS uses discontinuous reception , DRX Parameters in combination with the IMSI indicate when the MS is in a non-sleep mode able to receive paging requests .

  17. 提出了一种新型的低泄漏功耗FPGAs查找表(Look-upTables,LUTs)结构。这种结构的LUTs可以工作在三种不同的模式:高速工作模式、省电模式以及睡眠模式。

    In this paper we propose a new low-leakage FPGA Look-up Tables ( LUTs ) that can operate in three different modes : high-speed , low-power or sleep .

  18. 最后在CCS上设计并执行了一个独立工程,结果是引脚LOWPWR变为高电平,可以控制处理器在适当的时机进入深度睡眠模式或者唤醒。

    Finally , an independent project is executed in the Code Composer Studio . The result is that the LOW_PWR pin is drivened to high level and the processor can be made to enter the deep sleep mode or wake up at appropriate moment .

  19. 随iOS12一同发布的其他数字健康软件还有免打扰功能的升级版,包括可以调暗屏幕并隐藏锁屏上的所有通知直到用户晨起查看的睡眠模式。

    Other digital wellbeing features to launch with iOS 12 include enhancements to the " do not disturb " feature , including a bedtime mode that dims the display and hides all notifications from the lock screen until prompted in the morning .

  20. Zeo会将所有这些信息储存在一张记忆卡上,然后将信息上传到一个网站。该网站可以帮助你跟踪你的睡眠模式,还会每天发送指导建议教你如何改善睡眠。

    The Zeo stores the information on a memory card you can upload to a Web site , which helps track your sleep patterns and sends daily coaching tips for getting better sleep .

  21. 抑郁症与不伴抑郁失眠症患者睡眠模式比较

    The comparisons of sleep patterns between depression and insomnia without depressive symptom

  22. 这种不规律的睡眠模式对下面的这些有负面影响:

    This irregular type of sleep pattern can negatively impact :

  23. 延长电池寿命自动睡眠模式,低电量显示。

    Automatic sleep mode for long battery life , low battery indicator .

  24. 美国和中国学龄儿童的睡眠模式和睡眠问题

    Sleep patterns and sleep problems among schoolchildren in the United States and China

  25. 目前关于睡眠模式有两个主要的流派。

    It seems there are two main schools of thought about sleep patterns .

  26. 道理很简单,不紊乱的睡眠模式会导致紊乱的呼吸。

    It 's that simple : unstable sleeping patterns lead to unstable breathing .

  27. 下面是五种不同的睡眠模式。

    Here are five different types of sleep patterns .

  28. 甚至他们的睡眠模式也会被电子控制。

    Even their sleep patterns will be controlled electronically .

  29. 高级用户一般会用睡眠模式来控制用电。

    Advanced users look at the sleep modes available to control power usage .

  30. 此外,运动可以调节睡眠模式,增强肌肉。

    In addition , exercise can help regulate sleep patterns and strengthen muscles .