
  • 【电工】又称 :真空[绝对]磁导率
  1. 测定真空磁导率μ0的一种简便方法

    A simple method for measuring the permeability of vacuum μ 0

  2. 用电子分析天平测载流导体的磁场力及真空磁导率

    Measuring Magnetic Field Force and Permeability of Vacuum by an Electronic Balance

  3. 载流导体的磁场力及真空磁导率的巧测量

    Measurement of magnetic field force and permeability of vacuum

  4. 介绍了用电子分析天平测量平行载流导体间的磁场力和真空磁导率的原理和方法。

    The theory and method that the surface tension coefficient of liquid is measured by an electronic analytical balance is introduced .

  5. 通过计算机模拟计算与实验相结合,讨论了真空盒磁导率对二极磁铁磁场分布的影响。

    With the calculation and measuring experiment methods , the effect of vacuum chamber materials magnetic permeability on field distribution in a dipole magnet is discussed .