
  1. 结果表明:气体污染物引起附近林地土壤pH值、有机质、全氮、碱解氮含量下降,台湾相思林在污染环境下改良土壤化学性质极为明显。

    Results showed that the polluted air caused the nearby forest decline of soil acidification , the content of soil organic matter , the total N and available N. The Acacia confusa stand could improve the soil chemical characteristics evidently .

  2. 马占相思林径级大的树木个体数较少,但占据林段边材总面积和林段蒸腾的比例较大。

    Even though there were less individual trees with large diameter at breast height ( DBH ) in the sample plot , they comprised relatively larger proportions of total sapwood area and transpiration of the forest .

  3. 以南澳岛台湾相思林不同生境梯度的种群作为一元资源位,共选取8个资源位进行调查,计测台湾相思林主要种群的生态位宽度、重叠和相似性比例。

    Resources position by different habitat gradient populations were taken according to the investigation data of major forest group and plant multiplicity in Nan'ao Island . Total eight resource positions were selected to explore the niche breadth , overlap and proportional similarity of major population of Acacia confusa forest .

  4. 2生长预测模块本系统在福建省马占相思人工林调查资料的基础上,采用Monte-Carlo方法进行样地模拟,共模拟4000块样地。

    2 , Growth predict module , this system on the basis of the surveys of Fujian , adopting Monte-Carlo method to carry on plot simulation , each plot simulates 2000 pieces of simulation .

  5. 相思人工林树皮解剖构造、化学特性与开发利用

    Anatomical Structure , Chemical Characteristics and Utilization of Bark of Acacia Artificial Forest

  6. 3种相思人工林生态系统碳贮量及分配

    The carbon storage and distribution in three Acacia plantations

  7. 研究结果表明P缺乏是马占相思中龄林生长的主要限制因子。

    Results indicate that P deficiency was a main limit for the plantation productivity .

  8. 通过理论与实践、研建与测试、经营管理与质量评价,形成马占相思工业人工林林分经营管理的重要技术内核,为规模化相思树基地林经营管理奠定了基础。

    Through the theory and practice , model fitting and testing , stand management and quality evaluation , the important technological kernel about A.