
  • 网络Direct manipulation;direct operation;M-DMO
  1. 阐述通过自动寻找虚拟相机的有效位置以增强3D直接操作过程的技术。

    This paper describes a technique for augmenting the process of3D direct manipulation by automatically finding an effective placement for the virtual camera .

  2. FFD的直接操作为变形提供了更直观更方便的控制手段。

    Direct manipulation of FFD improves controllability and efficiency of the deformation .

  3. 电梯修理工可以转动这根杠杆直接操作机器。

    An elevator mechanic can work the machinery directly by turning this lever .

  4. 用户可以在GIS接口直接操作数据库及启动整定值计算。

    User can access the database and start setting calculation directly .

  5. 应用程序的业务逻辑使用包装器API直接操作XML模型。

    The application 's business logic directly manipulates the XML model using the wrapper APIs .

  6. 在编写langs.language.each时,我的感觉就像是在直接操作XML。

    When I write langs . language . each , it feels like I am working directly with the XML .

  7. Delphi环境下直接操作端口的两种基本方法

    Two basic methods to operate computer ports directly under Delphi RAD environment

  8. 一个很好的例子就是直接操作SQL数据定义语言的物理数据模型。

    A prime example is physical data models that directly manipulate SQL Data Definition Language .

  9. 这种方法倾向于WSDL模型,它允许您直接操作WSDL。

    This approach is geared toward WSDL object models and lets you manipulate the WSDL directly .

  10. 返回的DOMDocument对象是DOM专有的,但是没有多少地方需要直接操作这个对象。

    The return value a DOM Document object is DOM-specific , but you don 't need to operate upon that object directly very much .

  11. 您曾利用一些特殊语法直接操作过对象,或处理过一些间接表示的对象吗(C或C++里的指针)?

    Are you manipulating the object directly , or are you dealing with some kind of indirect representation ( a pointer in C or C + + ) that must be treated with a special syntax ?

  12. 系统BIOS技术是直接操作计算机硬件设备的底层核心技术。

    System BIOS technology serves as the low-level key technology which directly manipulates the hardware equipments of a computer .

  13. 组件X不能直接操作组件Y的项;相反,X只能通过调用Y已选择作为API提供的服务方法来实现此目的。

    Component X cannot directly manipulate component Y 's items ; rather , X can only do so indirectly by calling service methods that Y has chosen to provide as API .

  14. 如您所见,这个代码直接操作样式,这不太好,因为这种工作应该留给CSS完成。

    As you can see , this code directly manipulates styles , which is not good , as that job should be left to CSS .

  15. 通过传递网页对象到DLL的方法,在VFP中可以直接操作网页对象。

    By passing the web page object to the DLL method , the web page object can be operated inside VFP directly .

  16. Win9x、NT及Win2000下对硬件直接操作访问

    Operating on Hardware Directly in Windows9x 、 NT & Windows 2000 Systems

  17. 反射(Reflection)机制是JAVA成为动态语言的一个关键特性,在运行中的Java程序对自身进行检查,或者说内省(Intro-spection),并能直接操作程序的内部属性。

    The reflection mechanism is a key feature that make Java a high dynamic language . During runtime , Java programme inspects itself ( a.k.a : introspection ), and can directly manipulate the internal attribute of it .

  18. 使用DirectX技术实现对显卡内存的直接操作,避免了绘图中的闪烁;

    The system uses DirectX technology to direct operate VGA memory and avoid the wink in drawing .

  19. ODT是一个静态连接库,为直接操作DWG文件提供了丰富的函数。

    ODT is a static link-lib , which provides varies of libraries to operate the DWG files .

  20. play-in是一种高层次的用户友好的规范系统行为的方法,而playout允许用户通过直接操作GUI确认需求。

    Play-in is a user-friendly advanced method of specifying behavior and play-out is a novel way of working with a fully operational system directly from its inter-object requirements .

  21. 虽然这样的输出可能只是一种固定格式,但它通常允许用户直接操作数据来做进一步的分析,例如验证趋势(trend)、相关性(correlation)或时间序列(TimeSeries)等。

    Though such a output may be only a kind of regular form , it usually allows user 's direct operating data to make further analysis , for example verify the trend , array of dependence ( correlation )  or time ( time series ) , etc.

  22. @符号是从XPath借过来的,但其结果是,您感觉像是在直接操作属性(与调用attribute()方法相反)。

    The at sign ( @ ) is borrowed from XPath , but the result is the illusion that you are working with the attribute directly as opposed to calling the attribute () method .

  23. 本文阐述了如何利用Packet32软件包实现对网卡的直接操作,从而能够以杂收方式接收Mac帧。

    This paper introduces how to utilize a developed toolkit ( packet 32 ) to realize the direct operation of the network adaptor , in order for Mac frames being received in a random mode .

  24. 这将让你成为后端开发者更好的夥伴,因为你可以直接操作Rails应用程式,而不是让某人去整合HTML和CSS。

    This will make you a much better partner for a back-end developer , since you can work directly on the Rails application files instead of delivering HTML and CSS that someone else has to integrate .

  25. 如果服务供应商没有提供OCCI和CDMI接口,就需要用户的直接操作才能开始迁移。

    If the Service provides does not provide a OCCI and CDMI interface migration cannot happen without direct user interaction .

  26. 颈内动脉上间隙均见不同程度增大。7例由于A1及分叉部穿通动脉、M1内侧豆纹动脉缺如形成自然手术间隙进行直接操作。

    The internal carotid artery upper space could use as operating space in 7 patients because of absence of the lenticulostriate arteries and the perforating artery of A1 and bifurcation of internal carotid artery .

  27. 使用VB读出LotusWordPro文档中的目录结构,并通过这些目录链接到文档的实际内客,避免了由于文档浏览者直接操作文档,导致文档被破坏或泄密。

    The damage or the leakage of documents caused by the browsers ' direct operation of documents can be avoided by reading out the catalogue structure of Lotus Word Pro document from VB and linking to the content of the document through these catalogues .

  28. 幸运的是,经过多年的发展,现在中级和高级命令会自动地与ODM交互,几乎完全消除了直接操作。

    Fortunately , because things have evolved over the years , the mid - and high-level commands automatically interact with the ODM , reducing hands-on manipulation to a near-nonexistent level .

  29. 交互式图形以其隐喻、直接操作、所见即所得、具有视觉文化和审美价值、交互具有精确性等优点在PC时代被广泛应用。

    The Interactive Graphics has been widely used on PC platform by its numerous merits , including metaphor ability 、 direct manipulation and the feature that what you see is what you get . Furthermore , we can experience visual culture and aesthetic value from interactive graphics .

  30. 首先,从理论方面,尽管由WilliamsandBurden所提出的社会建构主义模式被广泛应用于英语教学之中,但是对泛读教学来说,它不太具体,不便于直接操作。

    First , in terms of theory , although the social constructivist model proposed by Williams and Burden has been widely applied in EFL teaching , it is not adequate for teaching English extensive reading , because it is a little too general .