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  • 网络salt mud;salt slurry;salt sludge;brine sludge
  1. 成品碱盐泥处理工艺的改进

    Improvement on the process of treating salt slurry settling out from finished caustic soda

  2. 一次盐泥提取轻质氧化镁的扩大实验取得成功;

    Lits successful in midexperiment that get light-end oxide of magnesium from first salt mud .

  3. 盐泥对PVC热稳定作用的研究

    Studies of the Effect of SM on Thermal Stability of PVC

  4. 研究表明:浆液pH值高的脱硫剂如电石渣、盐泥、白泥等,在较低浆液喷液密度时,脱硫效率对烟气流速的变化非常敏感,烟气速度增大,脱硫效率明显增加。

    Desulfurization efficiency is very sensitive to the change of gas velocity when the slurry has a high pH value .

  5. 研究了制碱盐泥用于聚氯乙烯(PVC)填料的可行性,讨论了盐泥填充PVC制品的多种性能。

    Feasibility was carried out of salt sludge of sodium production as filler for PVC . A variety of properties of PVC rigid products were discussed .

  6. 实验结果表明:盐泥填充PVC材料的加工性能良好,力学及物理性能与碳酸钙填充PVC相近,可以用做PVC的填料。

    The experiment results showed that processability and heat resisting of the PVC products filled with salt sludge were good . Its mechanical properties was close to that of calcium carbonate filled PVC . Salt sludge can be used as PVC filler to substitute for calcium carbonate .

  7. 介绍了江门市电化厂对锅炉除尘系统、沉灰池,ADC生产中废水、废酸以及盐泥、氯水和建设综合废水的治理措施。

    The renovations of boiler dust-removing system and dust-condensing cell , and the treatment of waste water , waste acid and salt slurry produced in the production of ADC as well as chlorine water and waste water from the construction in Electrochemical Plant of Jiangmen City are introduced .

  8. 本文对FeSO4液相催化氧化脱硫及氨碱厂白泥、盐泥海水浆液脱硫进行了研究。

    Researches on Desulphurization by FeSO_4 Aqueous Catalytic Oxidation and by using the Serosity of White Sludge or Salt Sludge of Ammonia Alkali Mills were studied .

  9. 平顶山盐厂废弃盐泥的开发和利用工艺研究

    Development and application of waste salt sludge from Pingdingshan Salt Plant

  10. 盐泥吸附剂对直接染料的平衡吸附行为和热力学性质研究

    Adsorption and thermodynamics of direct dyes on salt sludge adsorbents

  11. 废盐泥去除卤水中硫酸根新工艺的研究

    Research on the Technique of Removing Sulfate in Brine by Salt Mud

  12. 制盐净化卤水的盐泥过滤技术探讨

    An Approach on Salt Sludge Filtration Technology of Salt Making Purified Brine

  13. 从盐泥中提取轻质氧化镁生产过程自动监测与控制

    Automatic monitor and control of production process of light magnesia extracted from salt mud

  14. 利用氯碱厂废弃盐泥制备碱性有机肥的研究

    Preparation of Basic Organic Fertilizer By Using Wasted Salt Sludge from Caustic Soda Production

  15. 用碳化法从制碱废渣一次盐泥中制取轻质氧化镁的研究

    Study of making light magnesium oxide from the first salt mud of soda production by carbonizing

  16. 优化盐泥压滤工艺降低氯碱盐泥含盐量

    Optimizing pressure filtration process of salt sludge to reduce salt content in salt sludge from chlor-alkali production

  17. 盐泥是盐化工业生产过程中产生的固体废物,稀硅酸盐欠饱和盐水钻井液是盐膏层钻井的成熟技术之一。

    Thin under-saturated silicate brine drilling fluid is one of the well-proven technologies for drilling salts and gypsum rocks .

  18. 增添了水净化剂的新品种,探索了氯碱工业废弃盐泥利用的新途径。

    The new kind of water cleaner was developed and the new way of utilizing waste salt silt of chloro-alkaline factory was researched .

  19. 用正交试验法与单纯形优化法相结合,确定了废弃盐泥制备NO3-吸附剂的优良配方及合适的工艺。

    The proper process and excellent formulation of preparing ( NO_3 ) ~ - adsorbent are determined by orthogonal experiment method and simples method .

  20. 本研究是用制碱废渣一次盐泥作原料,采用二氧化碳碳化法制取轻质氧化镁。

    Light magnesium oxide is prepared by taking the first salt mud of soda production as its raw material , through carbonization of carbon dioxide ;

  21. 氯碱废渣盐泥的干法表面改性与填充性能研究硫氰酸盐法从工业废渣中浸取金银的实验研究

    Dry surface-modification and filling performance of waste residue salt sludge from chlor-alkali industry Experimental Research on Leaching of Gold and Silver from Industrial Residues by Thiocyanate Process

  22. 结果表明:盐泥处理效果好,但投加量较大,还有待于进一步研究。

    It is showed that the treatment effect of the salt mud is better , but the demand quantity is large , so further researches are still necessary .

  23. 天津碱厂碱渣工程土和潍坊碱厂盐泥制碳酸钙技术对碱渣的综合利用有指导意义。

    The techniques of preparing engineering earth from alkaline slag in Tianjin Alkali Plant and preparing calcium carbonate from salt slag in Weifang Alkali Plant were introduced in detail .

  24. 大潮退去,经过三五天的暴晒,干燥的盐泥就可以用来制“卤水”了。

    After the tide ebbs , exposed to the sun for three or five days , the dried salt mud can be used to make the " brine " .

  25. 前言:根据氯碱公司盐泥的情况,提出分二步净化处理的方案,得到沉淀硫酸钡及钙镁泥,分别利用。

    According to the conditions of salt deposit , put forward a purifying plan of two methods , get barium sulphate and " calcium magnesium deposit ", utilized each other .

  26. 此外,在元江干热河谷气候条件下,膏盐渍化成景机制特别,形成膏盐泥状硬壳,保护了柱体,使之不倒。

    Furthermore , under dry and hot climate condition in Yuanjiang , the mechanism of gypsum hydration action become especial , form gypsum-mud crust to protect columns , makes it not collapse .

  27. 介绍了隔膜碱蒸发过程中盐泥处理工艺的改进,并分析了改进后(即盐泥增浓工艺)带来的经济效益。

    This paper introduces the improvement on the treatment of salt slurry from the evaporation of diaphragm caustic soda . Economic result of this improvement ( i.e. increasing concentration process for salt slurry ) is also analyzed .

  28. 针对平顶山盐厂在生产过程中所排放的废弃盐泥的特点,摸索出了一条利用废弃盐泥转化为工业级建筑石膏及石膏墙体砌体材料的生产工艺。

    In view of the characteristics of waste salt sludge discharged in the process of production by Pingdingshan Salt Plant , a kind of production technology was probed , by which waste salt sludge could be changed into construction plaster in industry or material for plaster masonry .

  29. 重力滑动作用表现为触发盐-泥层的聚集&隆升和引起薄皮滑脱作用。

    Salt-mud bed accumulation and upwelling and thin-skinned detachment led to gravitational gliding .

  30. 区域伸展作用下的重力滑动作用是东营凹陷盐-泥构造的主导成因机制。

    The triggering mechanism for the salt-mud tectonics was gravitational gliding accompanying regional extension .