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àng rán
  • full;abundant;alive;exuberant
盎然 [àng rán]
  • [alive;abundant;exuberant]形容气氛、趣味等浓厚的样子

  • 今日洞庭,诗意盎然。--《珍珠赋》

  • 一路行来,有雨趣而无淋漓之苦,自然也就格外感到意兴盎然。--李健吾《雨中登泰山》

  • 春意盎然

盎然[àng rán]
  1. 友好殷勤去除了我的忧郁,旅程中依然生趣盎然。

    Hospitality cured my blues , and my journey was kept alive .

  2. 地图和图画使这本书趣味盎然。

    Maps and picnres bring the book alive .

  3. 乡村在春天生机盎然。

    In spring the countryside bursts into life .

  4. 周六早晨,小镇一派热闹繁忙,活力盎然。

    On Saturday morning , the town hums with activity and life .

  5. 一块趣味盎然的桌布就能使一张廉价桌子面目一新。

    A cheap table can be transformed by an interesting cover

  6. 这家餐厅小巧精致,绿意盎然,令人感到非常惬意。

    The restaurant is small and green and very welcoming .

  7. 不是园艺大师也可以把自己的家里装点得绿意盎然。

    You don 't need green fingers to fill your home with lush leaves .

  8. 这本书节奏明快,另外还穿插了一些趣味盎然的文史掌故。

    The pace of the book is leisurely , with enjoyable literary and historical asides .

  9. 兴致盎然地来到了动物园。

    Interest is abundant arrived in the zoo .

  10. 到中午一切又将喜气盎然,

    All will be gay when noontide wakes anew

  11. 就算是到了冬季,这种顽强植物的叶子依旧绿意盎然。

    And even throughout the winter the leaves of this hardy1 plant remain green .

  12. 他们可能没注意到去年6月开张的台湾原创便当店(TaiwanBearHouse),它的标识是一个泰迪熊,让人觉得它可能又是一家生气盎然的珍珠奶茶店。

    They may not notice Taiwan Bear House , which opened last June , with its teddy-bear logo suggesting just another perky bubble-tea shop .

  13. FIFA世界杯:席卷全球的盎然商机

    FIFA World Cup : Global Business Opportunity

  14. 《驯龙高手2》也是一部视觉盛宴,一段让观众身临其境,仿佛也骑在龙背上一样惊心动魄、却又趣味盎然的旅程。这不得不归功于二度掌镜的导演迪恩•德布洛斯为我们带来的3D指导。

    It 's a journey that feels like flying on the back of a dragon - dramatic , breathtaking and a lot of fun - thanks to great 3-D direction by returning director Dean DeBlois .

  15. 首先是画宫博物馆(PuriLukisanMuseum)(门票售价8.5万卢比),在一片绿意盎然的土地上初步了解了一下巴厘岛的艺术。

    First , the Puri Lukisan Museum ( 85000 rupiah ) , which offers an introduction to Balinese art on lush grounds .

  16. 在这日新月异的时装王国里,有可爱的动物面罩、古意盎然的阿纳·雅克布森(ArneJacobsen)椅子和来自独立音乐店萌宠之声(PetSounds)的唱片。

    Among the ever-changing wares might be cute animal masks , antique Arne Jacobsen chairs or records from the independent Pet Sounds music shop .

  17. 象所有在香港的其他人一样,有一个话题的故事会另富人们都似乎被变得兴致盎然:上个月去世的NinaWang。

    Like almost everybody else in Hong Kong , however , the rich seem entranced by stories about one of their number , Nina Wang , who died last month .

  18. 这一疑问取代了这一天所发生的事件,成为了牛津历史学家ChristopherPrendergas篇幅较小,但却兴味盎然的新书的主题。

    This , rather than the events of the day itself , is the subject of this intriguing little book by Christopher Prendergast , an historian at Cambridge University .

  19. 纽约//凯茨奇尔(Catskills)离曼哈顿(Manhattan)可能只有90分钟车程,但这片半山区在秋季却因色彩而生机盎然。

    NEW YORK / / The Catskills may only be 90 minutes from Manhattan , but this semi-mountainous region is alive with color in the fall .

  20. 拉结会堂(OhelRachel)坐落在一座绿意盎然的院子里。院门外标牌写着:“上海市绿化委员会”。但值得庆幸的是,没有迹象显示,在不举行犹太教庆祝活动的时候,这里被用来存放农用设备。

    Outside the main gate of the leafy compound in which the Ohel Rachel synagogue is located , a sign says " Shanghai Afforestation Commission " - although , thankfully , there is no indication that the building is used to store agricultural equipment between Jewish high holidays .

  21. 即便酒坊的气氛没有那么平易近人、趣味盎然和栩栩如生,却依然值得一去,体验品尝2003年份玫瑰香槟(rosé)时的眩晕乐趣,这种香槟的口感辛辣,余味带咸,充满无花果、草莓、石榴、紫罗兰和香草的香气。

    Even if the atelier hadn 't been so amiable , interesting and animated , it would have been worth it for the head-spinning pleasure of tasting the 2003 ros é , which was spicy on the palate with a salty finish and had a nose that included figs , strawberries , guava , violets and vanilla .

  22. 处在春季盎然的环境中,我倍感心旷神怡。

    In spring abundant environment , I feel relaxed and happy .

  23. 这是早晨8点钟,生机盎然,阳光明媚。

    It was eight o'clock , morning , full and brilliant .

  24. 莉莎:而它们从地上看起来更是绿意盎然。

    Lisa : And they look even more lush from the ground .

  25. 有了您的参与,地球将会变得更加绿意盎然,更加清新美丽!

    With your support , the earth will be greener and prettier !

  26. 整个社会呈现出生机盎然的精神风貌和欣欣向荣的局面。

    The whole society was full of life and prosperous .

  27. 在哈林家,洗涮的日子是趣味盎然的,永远不会枯燥乏味。

    Wash-day was interesting , never dreary at the Harlings .

  28. 看到孩子们生趣盎然真好。

    It 's wonderful to see the children 's zest for life .

  29. 农民能使沙漠象玫瑰那样生机盎然。

    Farmers can make the desert bloom like the rose .

  30. 既有自己的风格,又能让全国读者读得兴味盎然。

    And his style has fascinated the readers of the whole country .