  • handleless cup
  • 饮酒或喝茶用的没有把儿的杯子:酒~。茶~。


(没有把儿的杯子) handleless cup:

  • 酒盅


  • 茶盅


  • 金盅

    golden wine cup

  1. 我想喝一盅。

    I feel like a drink .

  2. 河南省驴寄生圆线虫的种类记述&盅口属Cyathostomum

    The Species of Strongyloid Nematodes in the Donkeys from Henan Province & Cyathostomum

  3. 实验前,Shalvi博士,Eldar博士和Bereby-Meyer博士给作为实验对象的76位志愿者每人发了一个摇盅和一粒骰子。

    To carry out their experiment , Dr Shalvi , Dr Eldar and Dr Bereby-Meyer gave each of 76 volunteers a six-sided die and a cup .

  4. 到这个时候他们多半会喝上几盅。

    They 'll probably have a few in by this time .

  5. 正确的做法是请葡萄酒保喝一盅。

    The correct behavior is to offer them a drink .

  6. 陈二奶奶还嫌没有盅酒吃。

    Even then the old woman complained because there was no wine .

  7. 喝(咖啡)时,不要把勺子放在咖啡盅里。

    Don 't drink with the spoon in your cup .

  8. 正确的做法是请酒保喝一盅。

    The correct behaviour is to offer them a drink .

  9. 我想我们得去喝两盅。

    I Recon it 's time we start drinking together .

  10. 本厂新产品,耐高温炖盅餐具,堪称旷世无双。

    New heat-resistant stewpot and taBleware stand proudly without peer in this generation .

  11. 一边说,一边又给他倒满了盅。

    As she spoke she filled his cup again .

  12. 他连喝了三盅酒,忘了什么叫作小心。

    One after the other he drained three cups and forgot what caution was .

  13. 把指顶花盅里的蜜蜂惊吓

    Startles the wild bee from the fox-glove bell

  14. 但弗兰克把最精彩一幕留到最后才揭盅&他指着树上的一头花豹。

    But Frankie saves the best for last , spotting a leopard up a tree .

  15. 说到“小费”,你可千万别给酒保现金以表示谢意。正确的做法是请酒保喝一盅。

    Speaking of tips , you should never offer the bar staff a cash gratuity .

  16. 更少不了多喝几盅。

    Must have drinks several cups .

  17. 3取一小盅,将淮山、枸杞、芋头依序放入盅底。

    Take a small cup and in turn lay dioscoreae , medlar and taro in it .

  18. 广东菜中的烤乳猪和冬瓜盅。

    " Toast Sucking Pigs " and " Wax Gourd Soup " in Guangdong flavour dishes .

  19. 又从传统的“拔火罐”手法中,改进成为“吸盅排毒法”;

    Then he improved the traditional " Cupping Method " into " Suction Cup Detoxification Method " .

  20. 祥子看大家喝,他不便太不随群,也就跟着喝了两盅。

    Xiangzi saw everyone drinking and , in order not to be left out , drank two cups too .

  21. 接着他们便按照指示摇盅,开盅查看结果,记住点数。

    They were then instructed to shake their cups , check the outcome of the rolled die and remember this roll .

  22. 因而三盅两件在本地颇受欢迎,总能见到门口排队等待进入的食客。

    Thus c2 cup very popular in the local total to see the door of customers lined up waiting to enter .

  23. 他,即使先不跑土窑子,也该喝两盅酒,自在自在。

    As for him , even if he stayed away from women , why not drink a glass or two and relax ?

  24. 二强子的脾气一向就暴,卖了女儿之后,常喝几盅酒;

    Er Qiangzi had always had a violent temper . After selling his daughter , he often went to have a drink ;

  25. 我们大家忘掉这些,痛快玩了几小时,喝几盅怎么样?青春难再,是吗?

    So we 'll all forge for a few hours and enjoy ourselves . A few drinks ? You 're only young once ?

  26. “盅碗舞”,亦称“打盅子”,原是喜庆节日中由男艺人表演的单人舞蹈。

    " Zhongwan ( Bowl ) Dance ", also called " Dazhongzi ", used to be a single man 's dance performed in festivals .

  27. 听着,我知道你在对大爸实施整盅行为时我也笑了,但我不该笑的。

    All right , I know that I have been laughing at some of the stuff that you 've been doing to daddy , but I shouldn 't have .

  28. 教您海皇竹盅鸡怎么做,如何做海皇竹盅鸡才好吃做法:将所有材料放进竹筒里,注满清水,加料酒。

    Hoi Wong Chuk cup chicken teach you how to do and how to make bamboo cup chicken was delicious Hoi Wong practices : All the ingredients into the bamboo tube , filled with water , plus wine .

  29. 那位信使步态悠闲地往回走着,常在路旁的麦酒店停下马喝上一盅。他总想保持清醒的神态,让帽檐翘起,不致遮住视线。

    The messenger rode back at an easy trot , stopping pretty often at ale-houses by the way to drink , but evincing tendency to keep his own counsel , and to keep his hat cocked over his eyes .

  30. 表演开始时,艺人坐在地毯上轻击盅子,徐缓起舞;他,即使先不跑土窑子,也该喝两盅酒,自在自在。

    In the beginning , the performer sits on the carpet , beats the wine cups lightly and begins dancing slowly . As for him , even if he stayed away from women , why not drink a glass or two and relax ?