- the Southern Anhui Incident

Studying the campaign history of the New Fourth Army , the Southern Anhui Incident is an unavoidable problem , which is a fact , recognized by all of the historians .
More than 30 years research already made quite big progress , and the reason , which the process and the result occurs to the Southern Anhui Incident have carried on the detailed research and have got much achievement .
On the anti-Japanese guerrilla war of the new fourth army before the south-anhui incident
The Incident become an important turning point in the history of the New Fourth Army .
Mistakes in Commanding are the Main Factors in New Fourth Army 's Defeat in South Anhui Event
They hold that after the Southern Anhwei Incident special emphasis should be placed on class education as distinct from united front education .
The development of private-owned business included the restoration and development of regional private-owned business , the development after the Wan Nan incident and bazaar trade in the towns of Boarder Area .
These three newspapers all were founded in 1941 , namely after " South Anhui Incident " . they have the same social context , but they represent different interest groups , reflect the different political positions and ideas .