
  1. 早晨一睁眼就9点多了,本来想早起去城皇庙吃早点的,看来免费豆浆和爱吃的茶叶蛋也么有了。

    Eyes on the morning of a9:00 more , originally wanted to get up early to eat Shing Wong Temple breakfast , It seems free soya milk and eat the eggs as well .

  2. 天水市为羲皇故里,正月十六日为羲皇诞辰,伏羲庙便是伏羲皇的祭祀之地。

    Fuxi Emperor hometown in Tianshui city , the lunar calendar Jan.16 of Fuxi Emperor 's birthday , sacred place of Fuxi temple is Fuxi emperor prayer .