
  • 网络White Powder;Off-white Powder
  1. 为什么体操运动员在每次比赛前要在手上抹白色粉末?

    Why do gymnasts rub that white powder on their hands before a routine ?

  2. 经MP、IR鉴定的结果判定,白色粉末状物为倒千里光裂碱-活性酯结合的季铵盐。

    The white powder was quatermary salt of retronecine ester identified by MP , IR .

  3. 结果表明由红色诺卡氏菌P08菌株制备的NCWS为白色粉末,性质稳定,不溶于水、甲醇等有机溶媒。

    N CWS was a white powder , insoluble in water and organic solvent like methanol .

  4. 氧化钇化学式:Y2O3说明:白色粉末。

    Yttrium oxide Numerator formula : Y2O3 Description : white powder .

  5. 若发现电池液体泄漏,或有白色粉末残留物,请勿启动UPS。

    If liquid can be seen leaking from the battery , or a white powdery residue is noticeable , do not switch the UPS on .

  6. GLP1为灰白色粉末,经G。

    GLP_1 was a gray white substance . G.

  7. 聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)是一种白色粉末状结晶聚合物,其化学稳定性良好,室温下不受酸、碱等强氧化剂和卤素腐蚀。

    Poly ( vinylidene ) fluoride ( PVDF ) is the typical semi-crystal polymer with its good properties of chemical and aging resistance for membrane formation .

  8. dbcAMP钠盐为白色粉末,可溶于水与乙醇,对热和酸碱比较稳定。

    DbcAMP - Na is stabilization to heat , acid and alkali .

  9. 阿莫西林(Amoxicillin)是一种广谱β-内酰胺类抗生素,为一种白色粉末,半衰期约为61.3分钟。

    Amoxicillin is a common class broad-spectrum antibiotics drug which belong to β - lactam-antibiotics and is a kind of white powder . The half-life of amoxicillin is about 61.3 minutes .

  10. 用不同制备方法制得的交联PVP在水中具有不同的溶胀能力,呈现出的形态多种多样,有软凝胶、白色粉末,或多孔粒子,可满足不同的需求。

    The crosslinked PVP prepared by different methods have different degree of crosslinking , which is characterized by the swelling power in water . The products may be soft gel or white powders or porous particles .

  11. 将冷冻后的白色粉末溶于色谱缓冲液,利用辛基琼脂糖凝胶CL-4B作为层析介质提取内氏放线菌的LTA。

    The crude extraction as the frozen white powder was dissolved in chromatography buffer and purified by CL-4B agarose gel chromatography ( LTA ) .

  12. 经透析、除蛋白、冷冻干燥得到白色粉末状当归总多糖(AP-0);

    The white powder of Angelica polysaccharides ( AP-0 ) was obtained by dialyzing of the crude polysaccharide , protein depletion and freeze-drying .

  13. 结果:通过复乳-溶剂挥发法制备载AS-ODN可降解聚乳酸微球,呈白色粉末状,通过电镜观察其直径在10~20μm,其外观圆整。

    AS-ODN-loaded biodegradable Polylactic acid microspheres were prepared by double emulsion - solvent evaporation method * The electron microscope observation showed that diameter of microspheres were between 10 to 20 μ m , and they take on round .

  14. 将30%~35%的废硫酸加热至90℃~100℃,在搅拌下加入生产CLT酸的还原铁泥,然后过滤、脱色、结晶,在300℃下脱水得硫酸亚铁白色粉末。

    Waste sulfuric acid of about 30 % ~ 35 % concentration was heated to 90 ℃ ~ 100 ℃, then the iron slurry was introduced with stirring , followed by filtration , decolorization , crystallization and dehydration at 300 ℃, to give ferrous sulfate as a white powder ;

  15. 经水反复浸提后的包心芥菜残渣经稀碱浸提,浓缩,乙醇沉淀,透析,DEAE-Sepharose-FF色谱分离纯化得到一种白色粉末状多糖ALP-2。

    After extraction with hot water for several times , the leaf mustard was dried and then a polysaccharide named ALP-2 was isolated from the dried leaf mustard with dilute alkali extraction , alcohol precipitation , and DEAE-Sepharose FF column chromatography .

  16. 铝合金框架完成了阳极氧化铝涂层或白色粉末。

    Aluminium frame finished in anodised aluminium or powder coated white .

  17. 结果得到的贻贝多糖粗品呈白色粉末状,水溶性好;

    Results Crude extract of mussel polysaccharide was of well water-solubility .

  18. 外观和气味:白色粉末,无气味。

    Appearance and odor : white powder and no odor .

  19. 氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐先与甲醇钠反应生成氨基葡萄糖碱,再与三氧化硫反应,得白色粉末状产品。

    The glucosamine hydrochloride reacted with sodium methylate to produce glucosamine base .

  20. 人造玛瑙填充料氢化铝,是白色粉末状。

    Artificial onyx filler aluminum hydride is a white powder .

  21. 产品外观:白色粉末、无结团、无杂色颗粒。

    Index : outward Appearance white powder , no cake .

  22. 一种白色粉末,用于防蛀牙膏。

    A white powder that is used to fluoridate toothpaste .

  23. 它是一种无定形的无色或白色粉末。

    It is an amorphous colorless or white powder .

  24. 说明:白色粉末,不溶于水,不溶于酸。

    Description : White powder , insoluble in water , insoluble in mineral acids .

  25. 发现了一包白色粉末,刑侦专家正在对其进行分析。

    A packet of white powder was found and police scientists are analysing it .

  26. 那这些白色粉末是怎么回事?这又是什么

    Yeah , but what about the white powder , and what 's this ?

  27. 本品为白色粉末,无臭、无味。

    This production is white powdery and tasteless .

  28. 用作颜料的白色粉末,有极强的遮盖能力和耐久性。

    A white powder used as a pigment for its high covering power and durability .

  29. 白色粉末主要是生物分子。

    White powder was primarily biological .

  30. 白色粉末或颗粒。

    White powder or granule .