
  • 网络ARIES
  1. 我是白羊宫时段出生的。

    I was born under aries .

  2. 感情方面,随着火星在狮子座呈火势而金星在白羊宫,你会有个玫瑰色的社交前景。

    Romantically , with Mars in fire sign Leo and Venus in Aries , you 've got a rosy social outlook .

  3. 因为四星都聚集在白羊宫,迹象表明新的职业可能是在一个合资企业中担当职位。

    The new assignment might be an entrepreneurial one , as four planets will stack up in Aries , the sign of new ventures .

  4. 月亮在直率的白羊宫,这是你交流的第3宫,这使你会突然与一个陌生人联系,或者把一个平常的对话变为热切的讨论。

    The Moon in spontaneous Aries is in your3rd House of Communication , which can suddenly connect you with someone new or turn a casual talk into a passionate discussion .

  5. 从现在开始您应该从容地接受事情的进展因为十月初白羊宫的满月使您的多事之秋应该是做好准备的时候了。

    Adopt an uncharacteristically leisurely approach to this process now and when early October 's Aries Full Moon brings numerous such matters to a head , you 'll be ready to act swiftly .

  6. 这周月亮在代表远方的冲动的白羊宫,这表明当外出或者与来自不同文化的人接触时,你会感到兴奋。

    The impulsive Aries Moon in your9th House of Faraway Places this weekend showers you with sparks of excitement when you get out of town or connect with a person from a different culture .

  7. 因为金星,水星,新月以及太阳都将聚在白羊宫,使得你将在新职位上扮演探索者的角色并且将探索出属于你自己的新天地。

    With Venus , Mercury , the new moon , and the Sun in Aries , it would cast you in the role of pathfinder and allow you to explore a whole realm new to you .