
  • 网络White Board;duplex board;carton board
  1. 一种新型胶乳在涂布白纸板上的应用

    Application of a New Kind Latex in Coated White Board

  2. 影响单面白纸板性能各因素的研究与探讨

    Study on the Factors Affecting Properties of One - Side White Board

  3. 对象牙白C.怎样提高白纸板的挺度

    How to increase the stiffness of white paperboard

  4. 与简单的看一系列幻灯片相比,使用PC,制作幻灯片或者白纸板,更能传递一种交流互动的感觉。

    Using a tablet PC and drawing on the slides or whiteboard while lecturing helps lend a feeling of interaction compared to simply seeing a series of slides .

  5. 一种新型干强剂PS-110在涂布白纸板上的应用

    Application of A New Dry Strength Agent PS-110 in Coated Paperboard

  6. 使用煅烧高岭土提高涂布白纸板的油墨吸收性能

    To improve ink absorption of coated paperboard by using calcined kaolin

  7. 涂布白纸板常见纸病及生产工艺控制

    The common paper flaw and processing technique controlling of coated manila

  8. 新华纸厂涂布白纸板工程设计的设备选择

    Equipment Selection for the Coated Board Project of Xinhua Paper Mill

  9. 白色水松原纸的生产中国白纸板的技术进步历程

    The experience of the technical development of white paper board in China

  10. 立方体沉淀碳酸钙用于涂布白纸板生产的实践

    Application of Cubic Precipitated Calcium Carbonate in Coated Paperboard Production

  11. 白纸板生产线电机协调控制系统

    The Motor Coordination Control System for White Paperboard Production Line

  12. 涂布白纸板彩色纤维添加系统的设计

    Design of Color Fiber Adding System for Superb Coated Paperboard

  13. 矿物复合纤维在涂布白纸板衬浆中的应用

    Application of mineral compound fiber in the coated white paperboard liner pulp

  14. 脱墨浆在涂布白纸板生产中的应用

    Application of Deinked Pulp in White Coated Paperboard Production

  15. 阳离子分散松香胶在涂布白纸板上的应用

    The Application of Cationic Dispersed Rosin Size to the Production of Coated Manila

  16. 高功能化羧基丁苯胶乳在涂布白纸板中的应用

    Application of High Functionalized Carboxylated Styrene-butadiene ( SBR ) Latex in Coated White-Board Paper

  17. 白底涂布白板纸的研制羧甲基纤维素保水剂在涂布白纸板中的应用

    Design and Production of Coated White Card board Application of CMC on Coated White Paper board

  18. 他们给他一块白纸板,上面系着一支铅笔。

    They had given him a white slate with a stump of pencil tied to the corner .

  19. 概括介绍了4500mm涂布白纸板机各个部分的配置和特点。该台涂布白纸板机的创新点是:(1)产量大,年产32万t涂布白纸板以上;

    This paper summarily introduces scheme and virtue of each section for the 4500 mm coating white board machine .

  20. 涂布白纸板的印刷适性涂布白纸板面浆浆料配比及打浆工艺的探讨

    Discussion on Printability of Coated White Board The Furnishing and Beating Technology of the Top Layer in White Coated Paper Board

  21. 旧新闻纸生物酶脱墨浆用于生产涂布白纸板的研究非接触性印刷废纸的酶促脱墨

    Study on the Enzymatic Deinking of the ONP for the Manufacture of Coated White Board The Enzymatic Deinking Action on Non-impact Printed Papers

  22. 介绍了高档涂布白纸板彩色纤维添加系统的工艺及控制系统的设计情况,通过彩色纤维的添加增强了涂布白纸板的防伪性。

    In order to enhance the anti-counterfeiting function of superb coated paperboard , the technological process and control of color fiber adding system are designed .

  23. 涂布白纸板吸塑包装的目标是在撕开吸塑包装物时,塑料膜片在纸层厚度的1/2&1/3处将纸层纤维粘起。

    The objective for blister package is that fiber layer tears at the position of 1 / 3 to 1 / 2 in Z direction when blister is removed .

  24. 气刀涂布在当今多种涂布方式中仍占有重要地位,在某些特种纸及白纸板、箱纸板的涂布中经常使用。

    Air-knife coating still plays an important role in the modern coating field , and is used for the coating of special grade , box board and liner board etc.

  25. 这些外国餐馆都使用标准化的特殊外卖包装:又宽又平的白纸板盒子用来装比萨,涂蜡的小硬纸盒用来装炒面和炒杂烩菜。

    Using broad , flat white cardboard boxes for pizzas and small waxy paper cartons for chow mein and chop suey , these ethnic restaurants standardized distinctive take-out packaging .

  26. 工业纸板生产设备主要用于压制各种规格幅面及厚度的工业灰、白纸板、护板纸板、鞋材纸板、绝缘纸板等。

    The cardboard press machine used to suppress various specifications format and thickness of industrial ash , Paperboard , cardboard sheeting , cardboard footwear material , such as insulating cardboard .

  27. 通过实验室和生产性试验,研究了灰底涂布白纸板生产过程中白水循环使用对废新闻纸脱墨工艺及产品质量影响。

    It was studied that the effects of white water cycling in the process of ashy bottom coating board on the deinking technology of old news paper and products quality .

  28. 本文从理论上简要地分析了影响白纸板性能的因素,通过实验研究了底浆种类及芯、底浆的不同组合对白纸板性能的影响。

    The paper theoretically analyzes the factors that affected the properties of white board , and studied the influence different kinds and furnishes of medium and bottom liner stock on the characteristics of white board through experiments .

  29. 国产保水剂代替进口保水剂用于涂布白纸板的涂料配方中,不仅能在某些方面提高涂料性能,达到与进口保水剂相近的涂布效果,还可降低涂布纸的生产成本,提高产品的竞争力。

    The national CMC replacing the import CMC is used in coating formulation of the coated white paperboard , in certain sides it can improve coating property , attain the same coated result as import CMC , also lower the manufacture costing of coated paper and boost its competitive capability .