
  1. 对于像加利福尼亚伯克利大学教授MichaelPollan这样的倡导者来说,白宫菜园标志着一个胜利。

    The White House garden marks a victory for people like Professor Michael Pollan of the University of California , Berkeley .

  2. 当天,奥巴马夫人用农场和白宫菜园的收成,为“第一夫人”们奉上了一顿美味的当季午宴。喀麦隆第一夫人尚塔尔?

    Mrs Obama then treated them to a seasonal lunch featuring bounty from the farm and the White House garden .

  3. 几个月后,在一封写给米歇尔。奥巴马夫人的公开信中,迈克。勃伦提到,白宫菜园给全国人民在健康饮食和本地农场(种植)方面,树立了一个革命性的榜样。

    In a public letter to Mister Obama several months ago , Michael Pollan said a White House garden would set a revolutionary example of healthful eating and local farming for the whole country .

  4. 她邀请儿童到白宫厨房菜园参加蔬菜种植活动,她在万圣节期间向孩子们分发干果。

    One of her first projects upon settling into the East Wing was sowing the White House Kitchen Garden . She even gave out dried fruit on Halloween - President Obama joked that it would get the White House egged .

  5. 我的太太米歇尔在白宫种植了菜园,她和我也正在把垃圾食品的教训灌输给我们的女儿。

    That 's a lesson Michelle and I have tried to instill in our daughters with the White House vegetable garden that Michelle planted .

  6. 第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马-谁在白宫有自己的菜园-去年在圣迭戈参观了农场,DadiriNuro生长的作物。

    First lady Michelle Obama who has her own vegetable garden at the White House visited the farm in San Diego last year , where Dadiri Nuro grows crops .