
diàn jiě chí
  • electrolytic cell
  1. 电解池结构为聚合型流动式。

    The structure of the electrolytic cell is the polymerized mobile type .

  2. 阴极:在电解池内的负电极。

    Cathode : The negative electrode of an electrolytic cell .

  3. 水溶液体系ESR现场测量新型电解池

    A novel electrochemical cell for in situ ESR measurements in aqueous solution system

  4. SF6气体微水分析仪之电解池的再生处理

    Reproduction Treatment of Electrolytic Cell of SF_6 Gas Analyzer for Trace Water

  5. 固体氧化物电解池SOEC(SolidOxideElectrolysisCell),作为制氢方式是近年来研究的热点之一。

    The Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell ( SOEC ) is one of the hot spot of research in hydrogen production in recent years .

  6. 在以Pt为阳极、Cu为阴极的电解池中,将不溶的还原染料靛蓝还原为可溶的隐色体钠盐而上染纤维。

    The insoluble reducing dye , Indigo , is reduced to soluble sodium salt by electrochemical method using a Pt anode and a Cu cathode in dyeing bath .

  7. 在RuO2PdYSZPddeNOx电解池中O~(2-)传导的速控步骤

    Rate-determining Step of O ~ ( 2 - ) Transportation in the RuO_2 | Pd | YSZ | Pd deNO_x Cell

  8. 以亚甲蓝溶液和聚吡咯薄膜修饰电极的现场ESR研究为例,对该电解池的性能进行了考察。

    Taking the in situ ESR investigation of methylene blue solution and polypyrrole film modified electrode as examples , the characteristics of the cell has been examined .

  9. 在单室电解池中,用牺牲阳极法,以二硫化碳和二丁基胺为原料,直接一步合成了N,N-二正丁基硫代氨基甲酸镍。

    N , N - bis ( n - butyl ) dithiocarbamate nickel (ⅱ) have been synthesized in good yield by electrochemical oxidation of sacrificial anodes in one - chamber cell with a mixture of carbon disulphide plus dibutylamine .

  10. 我们将流动电解池与全内反射红外光谱技术相结合,在10&80℃的温度范围内,研究了Pt电极上不同起始覆盖度的CO的脱附行为。

    A flow cell in combination with in-situ IR spectroscopy has been employed to study the thermal desorption of COad with initial different coverages in the temperature region between 10 and 80 ℃ upon Pt electrode .

  11. 在电化学沉积过程中,随沉积条件(电解池的几何形状、外加电压、电解液浓度、溶液的PH值、重力场、外加磁场等)的不同,会产生很多复杂形态的沉积物。

    With the different conditions of the electrodeposits , such as the geometry of the electrochemical cell , voltage , concentration , the gravity field , magnetic field , electrochemical deposition ( ECD ) provides a wide range of morphologies .

  12. 介绍了SF6气体微水分析仪的原理、结构及有关电解池再生处理的一些技术要求。

    Principle and structure of SF6 Gas Analyzer for trace water are presented . Technical requirements of reproduction treatment for the elec-trolytic cell are given .

  13. 考察了电解液浓度、电解池温度和电流密度等阳极化参数对PAA模板形貌以及阳极化过程中电击穿行为的影响。

    The influences of anodizing parameters such as the electrolyte concentration , bath temperature , current density on the morphology of PAA templates and electrical breakdown behaviors were discussed .

  14. 固体聚合物电解质(SPE)电解池无碱电解,安全,电解效率高,使用寿命长,产氢纯度高,应用范围广泛。

    Solid polymer electrolyte ( SPE ) water electrolyzers possess the following advantages : absence of alkaline solution , safety , higher energy efficiency , long lifetime , highly pure hydrogen production and widespread use .

  15. 以2Ba0·Fe2O3为正极材料、GP镍氢和镍铬二次商业电池的阴极材料为负极,135molKOH溶液为电解液,在隔膜电解池中电化学合成高铁酸钡。

    The electrochemical synthesis of barium ferrate was carried out in membrane cell with 2BaO · Fe_2O_3as anode and materials from GP commercial rechargeable batteries as cathode , in electrolysis of 13.5M KOH solution .

  16. 反应在以PbO2膜电极为阳极、不锈钢网为阴极的电解池中进行。

    The reaction was conducted in an electrolytic cell equipped with PbO 2 membrane electrode as anode and stainless steel gauze as cathode .

  17. 利用隔膜电解池研究了Ni3S2与Cu~(2+)/Cu~+偶合反应速度,Cu2S是Ni3S2腐蚀溶出良好阴极。

    By using a diaphragm cell , the coupled rate between pure Ni_3S_2 and Cu ~ ( 2 + ) / Cu ~ + was studied in the acidic chloride solution . It has been found that Cu_2S is a good material for cathode .

  18. 我们利用了控温的流动电解池和原位红外光谱研究了CH3OH分子在不同温度和电极电位下的氧化行为。

    The thermostatic flow cell in combination with in-situ FTIR spectroscopy was employed to explore the oxidation mechanism of methanol molecules under different potentials and temperatures .

  19. 梯度化设计后的氢电极制备的单体电解池的制氢性能明显高于非梯度化的SOEC。

    The hydrogen production performance of the single SOEC with optimized gradient hydrogen electrodes is obvious higher than that of cells with non-gradient hydrogen electrodes . 3 .

  20. 以金属铁为正极、以铂为负极材料,135mol·dm-3氢氧化钾溶液为电解液在隔膜电解池中电化学合成高铁酸钾。

    The electrochemical synthesis of potassium ferrate was carried out in membrane cell with metal iron as anode and platinum as cathode in electrolysis of 13.5 mol · dm ~ ( - 3 ) KOH solution .

  21. 新型液/液界面电解池的研制

    A New Cell for Electrochemistry Study at Liquid / Liquid Interface

  22. 星型光电化学电解池的总能量转换效率近10%,光照时产氢的直接转换效率接近2%。

    Conversion efficiency of hydrogen production is about 2 % .

  23. 固体聚合物电解池分离氢同位素的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of hydrogen isotopes separation by solid polymer electrolyte

  24. 电化学现场X-射线衍射电解池及电极调节装置

    In Situ X-Ray Diffraction Electrochemical Cell and Its , Electrode Adjust Device

  25. 同步废水处理及产氢的微生物电解池研究进展

    Progress in microbial electrolysis cell for hydrogen production and simultaneous wastewater treatment

  26. 本文设计了一种带有液帘电极的流通电解池,在对其各种电化学性质及特点进行了较为全面地研究之后。

    A kind of flow-through cell with liquid curtain electrode was designed .

  27. 薄层电解池流动注射法测定铜

    Thin - Layer Electrolytic Cell Determination of Copper by Flow Injection Method

  28. 该电解池装有二个参比电极,它们距工作电极之间的距离可以精确调节。

    The distance between the reference and working electrodes can be adjusted accurately .

  29. 红外反射光谱电化学中薄层电解池效应的研究

    Thin-layer Electrolytic Cell Effect on Specular Reflectance Infrared Spectroelectrochemistry

  30. 设计制作了一种反射式薄层可见光谱电解池。

    A thin-layer electrolytic cell for reflective visible spectra is designed and made .